Happy Weigh-In Wednesday!
Starting: 183.1
Last Week: 182.5
This Week: 180.7
Total Lost: -2.4
I had this same exact weigh-in on June 24th. It's frustrating that I haven't made much progress on the scale in the past month, but I have been making progress in other areas.
I feel better overall. My clothes fit more comfortably. Running is becoming easier. I don't get winded going up and down stairs. I'm not as tired.
Living a healthy lifestyle is about more than just a number on the scale. While I would really like to see a lower number, at least I know I'm still making improvement in my health.
Next week, I will be out of the 80's, and into my new running shoes!
Speaking of running, I had my first run of the week last night, and the first run of the 3:00 run/:30 walk intervals. It started of kind of shitty, for real, I had to stop at the bathroom in the park around mile 1.5...my stomach didn't feel good, I couldn't hit my stride, and my legs felt like cement blocks. Eventually, I got it together though, and had some crazy negative splits.
4.20 miles - 10:33 average pace
My last full mile was 1:16 QUICKER than my first mile. Hot damn.
Towards the middle of my run, I kept thinking, if I just run faster during my running intervals, I'll be finished quicker, so I put it into overdrive and finished as fast as I could.
Today, I have 4 miles on the schedule. No range, just 4 miles.
Link up with Winter and Cassi to share your weigh-in, and cheer on your fellow bloggers!