Monday, May 27, 2013

Goals. Goals. Goals.

Operation Skinny Jeans

Goals. Goals. Goals.  It’s time to get back into the swing of setting weekly goals.  Last week, I took the week off from the Weekly Goals Link Party.  Before that though, I was creating goals, but not really following through with them.  This week, I am ready to make up some great goals, and kick some booty in accomplishing all of them!

1.  Track everything I eat.

I’ve been very lax on tracking my calories lately.  Usually, I start the day tracking, but after breakfast, I generally give up.  This has led me to eat whatever I want.  I felt that if I wasn’t seeing those calories add up, I wasn’t really eating them.  My eating has gotten out of control lately so I hope that being stricter with my tracking will help me get back into a healthy routine.  

2.  Go to the gym at least 5 times.

I have had a gym membership since the middle of February, and when I first got it, I went all the time.  Lately though, I have barely used it at all.  In the month of May, I think I have only gone 3 or 4 times.  I hate that I am wasting $30 a month by not using my membership.  It is sometimes tough to get myself to the gym since I run outside so often.  I need to start seriously strength training though, and I have no equipment for that at home, so I need to use my gym membership for that purpose.

3.  Complete the first week of Jamie Eason’s LiveFit.

I “started” this program two weeks ago, but I only completed the first day…because I suck at going to the gym.  I have wanted to incorporate strength training into my fitness routine so I can work on defining my muscles.  I don’t know too much about strength training so I like that this program seems straight forward and easy to follow.  I will not be following the diet, I will just be completely the strength training.

Since I just ran a half marathon yesterday, I am taking the week off from running.  I’ll probably end up going for 2 or 3, easy short runs, but I have nothing particular scheduled.  Starting June 3rd, I will be back on a running schedule as I will begin my 18 week full marathon training!  My first full marathon will be October 6th, so I have exactly 18 weeks to train.  I plan on running a few other races, such as half marathons, before then also.

I’m ready to take this week on and rock these goals!

1 comment:

  1. I am super curious about the LiveFit program. I see Jamie Eason stuff pop up all the time. I am going to check it out!
