Monday, July 8, 2013

The End of a Marvelous Week

Please excuse my absence, but last week was busy, busy, busy!  It was also awesome.  Here’s the breakdown of the past week.

Monday: It was my birthday so after work, Nick and I went out for sushi.  Then, we went to the Nitty Gritty so I could get my free birthday mug, and beer.

Tuesday:  A friend came over to our house for dinner and drinks to celebrate my birthday.

Wednesday:  Nick and I went spent the night at our friends’ new house.  They are first time homeowners, and I am super excited for them.  The house is adorable, and once they make it their own, it’s going to be even more perfect!  That night, we headed over to the local VFW to watch Rhythm and Booms, eat delicious grilled food, and of course, drink.

Thursday:  The friends, Sarah and Nathan, and Nick and I, headed to Milwaukee for a baby shower.  Our other friends live in Texas, but their family lives in Milwaukee.  They were in town all week, so their family decided to throw them a baby shower on the 4th so everyone in the area could come.  Once again, there was grilled food, and of course, booze.
With the future momma & papa

Friday:  I had off of work, but Nick didn’t.  We met for lunch at least, and then I headed into Madison to get food for our cookout/my birthday party.  After work, a coworker was having birthday party/cookout of his own so we headed over there for a few hours.  Once again, alcohol was involved. 

Saturday:  Our cookout/my birthday party, which started at noon, and ended around 1am.  It was a perfect day for a cookout, a little toasty, but beautiful overall.  I had a great time, and if it wasn’t so expensive to host a party, I would host one every weekend!  We grilled brats and hotdogs, and a bunch of people brought dishes to pass.  We had a keg of Spotted Cow and jello shots.  We played bags, beer pong, and just sat around, enjoying the fantastic company.  It really was a perfect way to celebrate my birthday.

One of my friends is an awesome photographer, and he was nice enough to do a few shoots

My love and I :)

Sunday:  The craziness of the past week finally caught up with us.  Nick and I were basically useless yesterday.  We camped out in our bedroom, and barely moved.  We basically only left the bed to clean up, use the bathroom, and let the dogs out.  I have never been so lazy in my life.  It was marvelous though.  We dozed all day, watched tv, played with the dogs, and read.  The dogs were just as lazy too.  They only moved to get up to go potty.  Molly is pretty chill all the time, but Skittles is a puppy and loves to play with her toys.  Yesterday though, she had zero interest in toys.  All she wanted to do was snuggle and nap.

This was Skittles almost all Sunday long. She partied too hard!
It was such a marvelous week, and I am a bit sad now that it is over.  It was tough getting out of bed this morning for work since I have been off for the last four days.  I have a TON to do at work this week so it will fly by, and then I am actually off all of next week for family vacation.  My parents, my aunt & uncle, Nick & I, and some of my siblings and cousins, depending if they can get off of work, rent a cabin in the North Woods every July.  It's a week of pure bliss. Lots of reading, boating, fishing, relaxing, eating, drinking, dancing, and having a great time.  I can't wait!

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