Wednesday, April 2, 2014

No Weighpril

You see what I did with that title? Huh?  

No Weighpril.  

I decided to weigh myself yesterday, the first of April, and not weigh myself the rest of the month. The scale is a dick, or rather, I'm just lazy, and it discourages me.  I've decided to break up with the scale for a month.

My weigh-in yesterday was 174.6. 

During the month of April, I'm going to shoot for the aggressive goal of losing 8 pounds which would put me at 166.6.  666, ooooh, ominous.   If I don't reach that goal, I hope to at least be in the 160's by May 1. 

If I complete my training runs and clean up my eating, I think 166.6 is highly obtainable.  To motivate myself, I am not going to splurge on new running shoes until I hit this 8lb loss.

After work, I'm off to the grocery store, and I only have wholesome, nutritious foods on my list.  Once I get home, I'll have Nick put the groceries away and get started on dinner so I can head out for a run.

Easy, peasy, lemon-squeezy.

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Sounds like an excellent plan! I, too, would like to break up with my scale but then I'm all like, "WHY CAN'T I QUIT YOU!?" Just like Brokeback..


    Let's kick some bootay in Weighpril!

  2. Well hell, sign me up. Sick of seeing the same number on the scale!

  3. I cannot go without the scale - It is my motivation at times. I have been avoiding it all week and weighing once a week. I am around where you are so let's get in the 160s this month!!!!
