Wednesday, August 13, 2014


It's Wednesday.  If you regularly read my blog, you know it's weigh-in time.

Up .1 lbs from last week. 

Not too surprised considering the poor food choices I made over the weekend, and all of the beer I consumed, but I am still disappointed.

I ate really well Monday and Tuesday, and busted ass last night, hoping to salvage this weigh-in. I was really hoping to see a tiny bit of a loss.  Even if I would have just went down .1 lb from last week, I would have been joyous.

This weekend, I have a bachelorette party and a bridal shower to attend.  If I want to see a loss next week, I need to make better decisions over the weekend, and really work hard the rest of the week.

Monday, I talked about my menu for the week.  Today, I am going to share my activity plans.

Monday, I was supposed to cross train and strength train.  I planned on walking the dogs and doing a workout video.  That didn't quite pan out though.  When I got home from work and grocery shopping, I had a splitting headache. I downed some ibuprofen, put away groceries, guzzled water, made dinner, and ate. 

 My head still ached.   

I ended up sleeping on the couch the rest of the evening, until Nick woke me up to actually go to bed.


So Monday ended up being a fail in the workout department.

Last night, I changed into running clothes as soon as I got home from work, and headed out to get my two miles in. 

Not too shabby.  The accelerated pace of the 2nd mile really got me though.  I was ready to call it quits with 1/4 mile to go, but I powered through and finished.  I was gasping for breath and felt like my lungs were going to explode, but I felt great afterwards :)

It's tough to swallow, but I need to realize I am slower than I used to be from lack of training.  10:00 average pace, or quicker, is not where I am currently at.  In order to complete my long runs, I am going to have to slow it down, and be content with a 10:30-11:00 pace. 

After dinner, Nick and I took the dogs on a 2.24 mile walk, and I also strength trained.  Since I missed chest and triceps on Monday, that's what I did last night, and I will push back my other 3 strength plans a day. 

The rest of the week looks like this:

1.5 mile run
2-3 miles with dogs (already have 1.04 done)
Back & biceps strength

2 mile run
2-3 miles with dogs
Legs & calves strength

3 mile run
Shoulders & Abs strength


60 minutes of cross training

There you have it!

Link up with Heather, Ash, and Erin for Weigh-In Wednesday to meet some other awesome bloggers!


  1. Sounds like a great plan for the rest of the week!

  2. wow for your workout plan! Don't beat yourself for the gain, move on as you have already :)

  3. Nice job on that run! Even if you had to fight hard for it, the negative split is a success! Recovering from injury, I know the feeling of trying to accept that you're not as fast as you used to be. It's tough, but I keep reminding myself, it's only temporary and with time and training I get my (slightly) faster miles back.
    Good luck with next weekend; making smart food/drink choices is SO much harder when you have a fun social life! Yay for going out, but boo for the temptations.
