This great quote really hits home today.
Nick has a nasty cold which I am of course picking up. This morning I woke up with an annoyingly stuffy, yet runny nose, tired, and with a headache.
Sitting at my desk at work, feeling sorry for myself, I REALLY wanted to skip my run today.
I started compromising with myself, saying, "Well, tomorrow I could double up on cardio and do my run tomorrow instead, and then do the Fitness @ Home work out at after work."
Or, "I'll just do a fourth run over the weekend."
Yeah right.
So many similar thoughts/excuses ran through my head, but instead, I bucked up and went to the gym over my lunch break.
Once I started my run intervals, my icky, sick feelings went out the window, and I felt great.
I felt strong and fast today. Well, fast for me at least :)
Instead of feeling guilty, and regretting a skipped workout, I now feel wonderful. Besides a slightly stuffy nose, my "sick" symptoms are gone.
I never take gym selfies, or really any selfies, but today I felt so great after my great sweaty run that I had to snap one quick!
Ahh you go girl! That's a great day for sure! Hope you don't catch the crud and hope Nick feels better!