I borrowed theses questions from Janae over at http://www.hungryrunnergirl.com/
Instead of loading up her comments, I decided to just use them to write my own post. Go check out Janae's blog if you're not already following her! She gives great running advice, is hilarious, and has the cutest little girl!
1. Would you rather run along a beach path or on a mountain trail?
Mountain trail
2. If you could choose the flavor of gatorade at your next race’s aid stations, what would it be?
3. If I gave you a $100 gift card to a running store, what would be the first thing that you would purchase with it?
Sports bras and running tanks
4. Do you prefer to follow a training plan or wake up and decide then how far and how fast you want to run?
Follow a training plan. I'm lost without one!
5. Would you rather start your run with the uphill and end on the downhill or start your run with the downhill and end with the uphill?
Start with the uphill, and just get over it right away!
6. When you can’t run, what type of cross-training do you choose to do?
Bike riding, workout DVDs, walking
7. What is your preference—> Out and back, point to point or loop runs?
Loop runs. Out and back gets boring because you have to look at the same scenery twice.
8. If you could recommend ANY running related item to a new runner, it would be a—>
A quality pair of running shoes. Go to a running store and get fitted for your first pair so you know what's a good shoe for your gait.
9. Do you ever see any wild animals while out on your runs?
Just geese and little critters like bunnies and squirrels.
10. Ever gotten lost while out on a run?
I haven't actually gotten lost, but there has been a couple times when I start on a main road and decide to go through a neighborhood and end up coming out in a completely different place than I thought I would.
11. If you could have one meal waiting and ready for you each time you got home from a run for the next 30 days… what would that meal be?
A baked sweet potato covered in black beans, cilantro, avocado, tomatoes, and Greek yogurt.
12. Capris or shorts… what do you run in most often?
Capris or compression-y shorts. Until my thighs slim down a bit, running shorts are out of the question. The chaffing is unreal otherwise!
13. At what mile (or how many minutes) into your run does your body start to feel like it is warming up and ready to go?
A mile in, most days. I usually curse myself, and running, for the entire first mile. I think about how much I hate it and how much I suck at it lol. Then after the first mile, I find my groove and pretty much feel like a badass :)
14. What do you do with your key when you run?
I usually run in my neighborhood so I don't have to worry about my key. We live in a very small, safe community so we don't worry about locking our house doors if we're going to be gone for an hour or less. If I'm going to run somewhere where I come straight from my car, I make sure to wear running bottoms that have a little pocket I can store my car key in.
15. If you could relive any race that you have done in the past, which one what it be?
The Madison Half Marathon in 2013. After a bit of a panicky start, I ended up running my fastest half thus far. I started the race in a panic because I thought start time was at 7:30am. I didn't get into Madison until a little before 7, casually started making my way to the corrals at about 7:10 to see people already running through...the race had actually started at 7!! I didn't even have my shoes on yet, still had my long sleeve on, and hadn't used the bathroom one last time! I whipped off the long sleeve, threw it at Nick, tied my shoes in recorded time, gave Nick a quick kiss, and hit the start line. I think that extra adrenaline of being late helped me run quicker.
16. What type of run is your least favorite type of run?
Tempo runs.
17. What has been your biggest motivation lately to get out the door to get your run on?
Planning to run my first full marathon this October!
18. When you go for a run, do you leave right from your front door or do you drive somewhere to start?
Front door.
19. When running in daylight—> are sunglasses a must or an annoyance?
Annoyance. I get extremely sweaty so they slide down my nose constantly.
20. When you get tired, what keeps you from quitting?
Knowing that if I just keep going and push through, I'll be finished quicker than if I slow my pace.
That was fun! Like I said, check out Janae's blog to participate!
Our wedding photographer has started sending me sneak peeks! It's killing me to only get one or two at a time, I want to see them allllllll, but I absolutely LOVE what she's sent so far!
Love this post. There are so many little things you wouldn't normally post about, but are fun and useful to the readers. You were a gorgeous bride :) Love your pictures!!