I celebrated my 28th birthday a few weeks ago. My birthday is July 1st, and this was an especially great birthday because it was the day we left for our Colorado honeymoon. To celebrate my birthday on my blog, I'm going to share 28 random things about myself.
1. My last name, well, maiden name now, means wooden spoon in German. The principal of my grade school was from Germany, and he referred myself and my brothers as his "little wooden spoons".
2. Speaking of brothers...I have two biological brothers, three stepbrothers, and one stepsister.
3. Yo se un poco español. Puedo escribir and leer mejor que yo puedo hablar y oír.
4. I have decided that in my 28th year, I am going to send birthday cards to all of my family and friends. I love getting cards in the mail. I hope I can put a smile on their faces when they open my cards!
5. Ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen. Aber, nicht viel!
6. I am right handed, but batted left handed in softball, and when I drive with only one hand, it has to be my left.
7. I have been friends with my best friend since 7th grade.
8. Until our honeymoon trip to CO, I had never been further west than Minnesota. I live in Wisconsin...
9. I hate mice. And frogs. A lot.
10. Nick and I actually met online. Match.com to be specific. We made up a cover story about being friends with mutual friends, blah blah blah, until we decided we were being ridiculous with not telling the truth. Who cares if we met online?! We found each other, and that's what matters.
11. I have very skinny eyebrows, that I did not pluck that way, that's just all I have. I have been asked by someone sitting about 10 feet away, if I was missing an eyebrow...they're that small.
12. When I was younger, I wanted to have two children: a boy named Dimitri Allan and a girl named McKenna Morgan. Those are both lovely names, but I'm glad I've gotten over them...
13. Speaking of children, Nick and I are planning to start trying for children within the next year. I am beyond excited, and yet, TERRIFIED.
14. Names I like now: Eric and Julia.
15. My family has always had at least one dog. When I hear about people that don't have a pet/never have had a pet, I am flabbergasted. I understand that some people just aren't into dogs/cats/pets, but I find it very strange. Usually, those people aren't to be trusted ;)
16. I have never dyed my hair before.
17. I have dyed/frosted my brother's hair for them in high school, weirdos.
18. I love books. Like, a lot. Nick says I'm not allowed to buy anymore so I need to sneak them into the house when I do. When he catches me, he just rolls his eyes. I hope to have a specific library/reading home in our house someday.
19. I have three nephews and a niece. AND, I'll be getting TWIN nieces in October!!
20. My bachelor's degree is in Broad Field Social Studies. Since I didn't go into teaching, and people ask about my major, I say I know a little bit about everything, but not a lot of any one thing.
21. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I've contemplated going to grad school, or backing back to school, for a lot of random things such as, but not limited to: Archaeology, Marriage and Family Therapy, American Sign Language, Art History, Spanish, Museum Curating, Health Sciences, Accounting, and Historical Preservation.
22. My lucky number is 34.
23. In college, I studied abroad in Rome for 4 months. It was such an AMAZING experience. When my nieces and nephews, and my own children are in college, I am definitely going to urge them to go abroad.
24. I work in a college bookstore, and have worked here for 9 years total. I started as a student worker while in college, worked as an LTE right after I graduated, and got a full-time position as the clothing and supply manager almost 5 years ago. Three years ago, I was promoted to textbook manager. It's very fitting that I love books, and work with books everyday.
25. I have a dream of opening my own business called, Books, Beans, and Barks. I won't go into detail because I don't want anyone to steal my idea ;)
26. When I pulled out one of my lateral incisor teeth as a child, there was no adult tooth in my jaw to replace it. I've had a fake tooth on a retainer, called a flipper, since I was about 12 years old. I would really like to get an implant so I don't have to worry about the retainer anymore, but it cost $3,500+. Yikes!
27. Nick and I knew we were meant for each other when we discovered out debit pin numbers were direct opposites of each other.
28. My favorite colors are blue, purple, and green.
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