I have 1001 days to complete the following list of 101 goals I made for myself.
Start date: October 19th, 2015
End date: July 16th, 2018
1-5: $0/$100
- Put $20 into saving for each task I complete ($0/$2,020)
- Pay off two student loans (I have 5...ugh) (0/2)
- Have at least $5,000 in our savings account
- Increase my IRA contribution
- Update my last name on my IRA account
6-20: $0/$300
- Run a marathon
- Run a sub 2:00 half marathon
- Between running and walking, accumulate 3,000 miles (0/3,000)
- Run a race in another state
- Reach my goal weight of 152
- Rind out my blood type
- No candy for 30 days (0/30)
- Buy a treadmill
- Subscribe to a running magazine
- Run the Chicago Marathon
- Become a Tough Mudder
- Complete a sprint triathlon
- Run in the Belleville Fun Run
- Bike to Madison on the bike trail
- Run in at least 6 races (0/6)
Personal Growth/Learning
21-36: $0/$320
- "Adult" my wardrobe
- Recreate 10 outfits that I have pinned on Pinterest (0/10)
- Finish my 2nd bachelor's degree, in Spanish
- Read 150 books (0/150)
- Learn how to sew
- Learn how to knit
- Learn to drive a manual vehicle
- Read 10 memoirs or biographies (0/10)
- Read 20 books from 1001 Books to Read Before You Die (0/20)
- Start playing a musical instrument
- Join the book club at my local library
- Start learning a new language (NOT Spanish, German, or Italian)
- Read 10 non-fiction books (0/10)
- Learn basic American Sign Language
- Finish Reading the Harry Potters series in Spanish (1/7)
- Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal
- Have a month-long streak on Duolingo
37-44: $0/$160
- Travel abroad
- Travel to at least 2 states I've never been to (0/2)
- Get our passports
- Take a weekend vacation to a dog-friendly hotel/bed & breakfast
- Go to the Milwaukee Art Museum
- Ride the Merrimac Ferry
- Visit the Apostles Islands Ice Caves
- Go to the Wisconsin State Fair
45-50: $0/$120
- Start a pay-it-forward at a drive-thru
- Do a boudoir photo shoot as an anniversary gift for Nick
- Donate blood
- Buy Christmas gifts for a family in need
- Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity at least two times (0/2)
- Bake some yummy treats and send them to 5 friends/family members (0/5)
51-65: $0/$300
- Build new bookshelves so I can organize my book collection
- Decorate about the cupboards in the kitchen
- Organize and clean basement storage shelves
- Organize and finalize camping totes
- Organize and clean out guest bedroom closets
- Improve our landscaping: e.g. redo river rock borders, add more flowers
- Set up/decorate a more welcoming foyer
- Establish a cleaning schedule and stick to it
- Re-purpose bedroom furniture
- Put up a tile backs plash in the kitchen
- Put in new floors on our main level
- Do lawn maintenance i.e. eliminate weeds and crab grass
- Plant a blueberry bush
- Complete 5 DIY projects from my DIY Pinterest board (0/5)
- Buy new bed skirts
66-72: $0/$140
- Bake a pie, from scratch
- Put together a favorite recipes binder
- Make homemade pasta
- Learn to make sushi
- Buy a bratzeli maker and make bratzelis for Christmas
- Make 3 authentic Italian recipes from Frank's cookbook (0/3)
- Take a couple's cooking class
73-83: $0/$220
- Have a "picnic" dinner with Nick in front of the fireplace
- Host a family Christmas
- Spend the day with my nephew
- Babysit our twin nieces and nephew overnight
- Randomly send flowers to 3 friends (0/3)
- Watch a sunrise and drink coffee with Nick
- Watch a sunset and drink wine with Nick
- Have a baby
- Send Christmas cards
- Take my mom out to lunch
- Leave 10 love notes for Nick on the bathroom mirror (0/10)
84-101: $0/360
- Organize a girl's weekend
- Meet a fellow blogger in person
- Get another tattoo
- Go skiing
- Attend a play
- Attend a musical
- Complete the Badger Football puzzle to hang in our bar
- Go to Koz's Mini Bowl
- Write a letter to a favorite author
- Eat at 10 new restaurants (0/10)
- Watch the Star Wars series
- Watch 20 movies I haven't seen from IMDB top 250 move list (0/20)
- Buy perfume
- Go snow shoeing
- Drive through the Olin Christmas lights
- Walk through Pope Farm's sunflowers
- Buy a new pea coat
- Attend a Paint Night with friends
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