Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Day 9 - November 2

Welcome to Day 9!

I had a GREAT day yesterday which is carrying over into today, and I am in such a good mood!  Just one of the many wonderful benefits of exercising.

I stepped on the scale this morning and had great weigh-in


SO close to saying goodbye to the 180s!

My run last night went really well, and for the first time since moving to our new place, I was able to run ALL the way up the hill!  

I'll take a step back and explain what that means.

At the end of June, we moved to a new house on a dead end road, in a subdivision in the country.  The road is just under a mile long from end to end, and gradually climbs about 200 feet in elevation from the start to the dead end.  Our house is almost exactly halfway up the road.  My runs have usually had me ending a running stretch and beginning to walk near our driveway, about half way up the hill, and I could not have been happier!  At that point, I have been more than ready for walking breaks.  

My run last night was R5:00, W3:00, R8:00, W3:00, R5:00.  I started by running out of our driveway and down the hill, which meant the 8 minutes of running began right at the base of the steepest part of the hill which meant I experienced the joy of running allll the way up the hill, to the dead end and heading back towards the bottom.  

I was cursing myself for not starting the run by going up the hill first so I could maybe get lucky and have the long running chunk going downhill and walk the incline. 

Surprisingly though, I felt GREAT running the hill.  Yes, it was tough, but not as tough as I was dreading it to be.  As soon as I finished my run and got back home, I burst into the house to brag to Nick that I actually ran the entire hill! 

Not only did I conquer the hill last night, I did my farthest distance (2.30 miles) since the beginning of May (half marathon...I have SO MUCH work to do to get back to 13 miles!!).

The first day of 30 Day Shred also went really well.  I like 30 Day Shred better than the 21 Day Fix workouts because I like not seeing the timer counting down.  I tend to focus too much on the countdown which makes the moves seem to take even longer, like watching the timer on a microwave!

I had also forgotten the 30 Day Shred is split into 3 different levels.  I have never been consistent enough to get out of level 1 before so I am looking forward to the new moves the other levels will bring.

Wow, this turned into a lengthy post.  I'll nip it in the bud by ending with my plan for today.

Meal Plan
B: 2 hard boiled eggs & banana
S: apple with pb
L: butternut squash & apple soup with pumpkin seeds
S: yogurt & orange
D: orange shrimp stir-fry
(I wasn't able to make this last night because I was missing a key ingredient...oj.  Instead, I made a grilled chicken and pesto tortellini skillet.)

30 Day Shred (Day 2)
Lower: 12 squats, 12 lunges, 12 calf-raises
Upper: 11 standing rows, 11 hammer curls, 11 rear deltoid raises 
Abs: 10 roll-ups, 10 ankle reaches, 10 leg lifts, 7 reverse crunches

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Day 8 - November 1 & November Goals

Happy November!

To start, my plan for Day 8.

Meal Plan:
B: Ancient Grains Cheerios with milk
S: Orange & shortbread cookies
L: Stuffed pepper
S: Broccoli & hummus
D: Orange shrimp Stir-fry

Workout Schedule:
C25K W6D1
Lower: 10 squats, 10 lunges, 10 calf raises
Upper: 11 pullovers, 11 kickbacks, 11 front raises
Abs: 10 roll-ups, 10 ankle reaches, 10 leg lifts, 6 reverse crunches

I went a little overboard this weekend with nutrition (pizza, twice in one day, oops), but overall, I have been doing well.  I have been chugging along nicely with my 30 Day Challenges, but I want to up my workout intensity.  Besides "running" three times a week, my cardio has only been coming from walks.  I love going for walks, but I don't feel that I'm getting my heart rate up enough to really consider them a workout.  I know going for a walk is better than nothing because I am at least moving, but I need a change if I want to see a change.

Starting today, because who doesn't love starting a challenge/setting goals at the beginning of a month, I will be doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.  I have had the video for about 3 years, but have only done the workout about 5 times.  Since I have been doing well with the mini 30 Day Challenges, hopefully I can power through and complete the full 30 days of working out with Jillian.

Besides completing 30 Day Shred, I have a few other goals for the month of November.

Complete C25K and find a race to start training for.
I have 4 weeks of C25K left.  Week 5 went really well, even the dreaded 20 minute run on day 3.  Once I wrap up C25K and start training for a race, I need to work on consistency in my splits!

W5D1 - R5:00, W3:00, R5:00, W3:00, R5:00

W5D2 - R8:00, W5:00, R8:00

W5D3 - R20:00
Log at 12,000+ steps at least 20/30 days.

Attempt to complete all Christmas shopping.
I know this is quite a lofty goal, but it would be REALLY great to avoid the December shopping mania.

Get out of the 180's
This has been plaguing me for months!  I WILL finally see the 170's this month!

That's that.  Go make November GREAT!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Day 3 - 10/27/2016

Yesterday did not quite go as planned, but I still made it a good day.

All day long, it was rainy and cold.  I decided to move my W5D2 run to Friday instead and I did Total Body Cardio in lieu of running in the cold rain.

I did well with my meal plan also, but I got a little bingey after dinner and had not one, but two ice cream sandwiches.  Wahwahwahhhhh.

Today, I will stick 100% to my meal plan!

Meal Plan:
B: Grapefruit & 3 hard-boiled eggs
S: Yoplait Greek 100 yogurt
L: Sushi
S: String cheese & almonds
D: Chicken, broccoli & cheese bake

Workout schedule:
30 minute walk
Lower: 8 squats, 8 lunges, 8 calf raises
Upper: 10 pullovers, 10 kickbacks, 10 front raises
Abs: 7 roll-ups, 7 ankle reaches, 7 leg lifts

Day 2 - 10/26/2016

Day 1 went well.

I stepped on the scale this morning to get a "starting" weight to see how I do over the new 30 days.


Day 2 is rainy, dark, and dreary, but I will be making it a GREAT day!

Meal Plan:
B: Oatmeal & banana
S: Pear & almonds
L: Mediterranean pizza
S: Carrots & hummus
D: Pork chop & sweet potato

C25K W5D2
Lower: 6 squats, 6 lunges, 6 calf raises
Upper: 10 back flies, 10 bicep curls, 10 lateral raises
Abs: 6 roll-up, 6 ankle reaches, 6 leg lifts

The seemingly random sets I have listed for lower, upper, and ab workouts are coming from these 30 Day Challenge sheets.  Follow along and do it yourself if you would like!


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Day 1 of 30 - 10/25/16

As in the past, any time I am silent on my blog, it means I am struggling.  

Weight loss and healthy living is SO simple in theory, but actually putting this simplicity into action is hard.  

So. Goddamn. Hard.

At the beginning of October, I was doing so well.  I was following my exercise schedule and eating healthy, wholesome meals.  As we approach the end of October, I am not doing so well.  I am not doing completely awful, but I have lost my momentum.

I know I sound like a broken record.  I know many fellow bloggers also fall into this vicious cycle of kicking ass and then getting your ass kicked and falling off the wagon.

But I'm tired of the cycle.  I'm tired of my excuses.  I'm tired of starting this blog back up, just to disappear again.

It's time for an ultimatum. 

I am giving myself 30 days.  30 days to blog consistently, and more importantly, honestly.  30 days to develop better habits.  30 days to get my shit together.

If I can't get it together in 30 days, I'm deleting this blog forever.

Welcome to Day 1.

My meal plan for Day 1 is:
B: 3/4C Ancient Grain Cheerios with 1/2C 1% milk, 1/2 grapefruit
S: Apple with peanut butter
L: Grilled chicken salad with black beans, tomato, grapes, feta, and ranch dressing and 1C chicken and dumpling soup
S: Yoplait Greek 100 yogurt cup
D: Stuffed peppers filled with black beans, brown rice, tomato, corn, and cheese

Workouts for Day 1:
30 minutes of cardio
6 squats, 6 lunges per side, 6 calf raises
10 pushups, 10 tricep dips, 10 shoulder presses
5 roll-ups, 5 ankle reaches, 5 leg lifts

Monday, October 17, 2016

Weekly Goals 10/17-10/23

Hello, everyone!

I have been away from the blogisphere for the past week, camping with my family. It was nice to disconnect for the week and enjoy the time spent with some of my favorite people.

Even though I have had a wonderful week, I ended up disconnecting from eating well and working out consistently.  Besides a run on Monday afternoon, my volleyball game Thursday night, and a few walks with Skittles dog, I haven't done much in the workout department.  I also consumed a lot of adult beverages and not so healthy foods.


Now it is time to move on and make this a GREAT week!

Workout schedule for the week:

Mon: 30 min walk/Abs/"Through the Alphabet"
Tues: C25K W5D1/30 min walk
Wed: "Through the Alphabet"/volleyball subbing/Abs
Thurs: Volleyball/30 min walk
Friday C25K W5D2/"Through the Alphabet"/Abs
Sat: C25K W5D3/60 min walk
Sun: "Through the Alphabet"/Abs/30 min walk

I am bored with the 21 Day Fix workouts so I am changing up my workouts this week.  This is the Through the Alphabet workout I found I Pinterest

I scheduled this three times during the week, and I will keep track of how long it takes me to do it each time.  Hopefully, my time with improve with each run through. 

My goals for the week are:

2. Walk for at least 15 minutes on my lunch breaks each day
3. Reach over 2 miles during at least one of my runs

Friday, October 7, 2016

Things in Three

Steph over at Life According to Steph posted these fun prompts the other day.  Since I only post on Mondays about goals and Wednesday about weigh-in, I thought it might be nice to change it up a bit.  I enjoy answering these types of prompts and reading the answers of others to learn more about them.

Three things I would never give up: cheese, my dogs, physical copies of books (no eReader for this girl!)

Three favorite vegetables: zucchini, mushrooms, sweet potatoes 

Three shows I watched faithfully from the beginning to the end: I am awful at watching tv, which is probably a good thing. The ONLY show I have ever watched every episode of is Breaking Bad.

Three places I want to visit inside the US: Maine, Alaska, Washington

Three places I want to visit outside the US: Scotland, any Scandinavian country, Singapore 

Three things I always have on me: chapstick, pens, a book

Three things that are always in my car: dog leashes, napkins, volleyball shoes

Three most recent calls were to/from: mom, husband, mom

Three books I read and loved in college: Loving Frank, The Chronicles of Narina, The Tears of Artamon series

Three most often used makeup products: Not a makeup wearer, but sometimes I do get crazy and swipe on a bit of mascara...and I do use Oil of Olay moisturizer on my face everyday and chapstick...I think those count :)

Three things that make me laugh: my dogs, my nieces and nephews, people tripping (I know it makes me a slightly horrible person, but when I see someone trip, my first instinct is always to laugh, and then ask if they are ok...)

Three things that make me cry: ASPCA commercials/animal abuse stories (WHY can't I save all the animals?! Why are people so awful to animals?!), videos of soldiers coming home and being reunited with their family (tears of happiness/admiration, especially "surprise" homecomings), and on the last one, I have to agree with Steph, thinking about my dogs dying (I have a 12 year old Fox Terrier, and Nick now has to take her to vet appts because I don't think I can handle hearing there is something wrong with her. She is still in GREAT health, but I know it won't last forever :'( ) 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Weigh-In 10/5/16

Starting: 186.6
Last Week: 183.9
This Week: 182.7
Total Lost: -3.9

Yahoo, a nice loss this past week! I was a little nervous for weigh-in after indulging in wedding food over the weekend, but all is well.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Goals 10/3-10/9

I hope everyone had a good weekend, I sure did!

As I mentioned last week, my eldest brother got married on Saturday. It was a perfect day and everything went so unbelievable smoothly, I am so happy for Charlie and his new wife, Annie!

Nick and I were both in the wedding party, and if I may say so, we clean up pretty darn good.

Even though I had a wonderful weekend, my week and weekend of working out didn't go so well...

With it being a wedding week, an unplanned night of playing trivia with friends, volleyball, and birthday dinner for my stepdad, I had bitten off more than I could chew with all the workouts I scheduled myself.  The week started off with good intentions, but as it progressed, I ended up skipping a lot of workouts.  I am a bit disappointed in myself, but the only thing to do is move on and work on this week.

Up for this week, I have:

Mon: Total Body Cardio & Abs
Tues: C25K W4D1 & Upper Fix
Wed: C25K W4D2, Lower Fix, & Abs
Thurs: Volleyball & Pilates
Fri: C25K W4D3, Cardio Fix, Abs
Sat: C25K W4D4, Dirty 30
Sun: Yoga & Abs

Goals for this week are
1. Complete all scheduled workouts
2. Get 15,000+ steps EACH day
3. Track all calories EACH day

Here's to looking forward and improving each week!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Weigh-In 9/28/2016

Another Wednesday, another weigh-in.

Starting: 186.6
Last Week: 183.8
This Week: 183.9
Total Lost: -2.7

Frustration is starting to set in.  I have been working out at least 30 minutes every day, most days an hour. My food choices have been great, not perfect, but pretty damn great.  And yet, the damn scale is not showing me numbers I want to see.


Now that that is kind of out of my system, I will stay positive.

As we all know, the number on the scale is NOT the most important part of a healthy lifestyle.  Going with that line of thought, and to keep myself positive and motivated, here are a few non-scale victories I have noticed that past few weeks.

My clothes are fitting better.
I don't have a massive muffin top in my jeans, and my gut isn't straining against my shirts as much.

Looser belt.
I am THIS close to being able to tighten my belt another notch.

Easier to climb stairs.
I have never had a real problem climbing stairs, but I would be a little breathless/breathing harder upon reaching the top of a flight. Now, I can zip up a few flights at a time with hardly any change in my breathing.

Form improvement.
Strength moves are being a little bit easier because I am becoming stronger, therefore my form is improving because I am slowly leaving modified moves behind.  I have been noticing I am squatting deeper and crunching higher also.

Dissipating cravings.
My candy and junk food cravings are super low. I doubt junk food cravings will ever disappear completely from my life, but my first thought after eating a meal is not SWEETS! When a craving does hit, I have been making better choices.  Instead of buying a candy bar, I will have fruit yogurt or a flavored sparkling water.

So even if the scale is not moving, those reasons above are enough to keep me going!

What's Up Wednesday

Double post today!

I have decided to join my first link up since my return to blogging.

It was a lot of fun reading the various posts for the What's Up Wednesday link-up hosted by Shay, Mel and Sheaffer, and finding some great new blogs to read! 

So much fun that I have decided to share my answers and link up!

WHAT WE'RE EATING THIS WEEK...Monday night, I made this DELICIOUS chicken and broccoli casserole from Yummy Healthy Easy. Simple, tasty, and healthy.  Add it to your menu next week, seriously.

Photo from Yummy Healthy Easy website
Last night, we met friends to play trivia at a local brewery so we just had Quiznos.  Tonight is my stepdad's birthday so we will going to dinner with my parents.

Thursday, I am busting out the crock pot and making this beauty. I have made this before and it is yummy! This time, I bought a smoked apple-wood pork tenderloin so it will be extra delicious.

Photo from All That Glitters website
Friday we have rehearsal and dinner for my brother's wedding, and Saturday is the BIG day and we will be having the wedding dinner and lots of wedding cake :)

WHAT I'M REMINISCING ABOUT...our anniversary trip to Europe. For our first anniversary in June, my husband and I took a two week trip to Europe.  We visited London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, Venice, Florence, Pisa, and Rome. Monday, I finally transferred all our pictures from my phone to our laptop so we can print an album.  Going through the pictures again brought back a lot of great memories.  I'll share a few with you.

Canal in Amsterdam

Market Square in Brussels

Big Ben & London Eye

View of Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo 


Platform 9 3/4 at the Warner Brothers Harry Potter set outside of London

View of Rome from atop the Vatican

Ponte Chiodo in Venice
WHAT I'M LOVING...iced coffee.  Even though the temps are dropping, I cannot get enough iced coffee lately.  Hot coffee has NO appeal at the moment.  I'm sure once the temperatures dip into the 40's and lower, I'll be changing my mind.

WHAT WE'VE BEEN UP TO...Nick and I bought a new house in June and have slowly been making it ours.  The house is only 15 years old, but the previous owners didn't take the best care of it so we have been working on repairs, painting, and decorating to make it our own.

WHAT I'M DREADING...sub-zero Wisconsin winter that will soon be upon us...Winter is coming. House Stark knows what's up.

WHAT I'M WORKING ON... Two things. 
1. Paring down my reading list.  I am currently reading/listening to 8 books!  Instead of picking up another book when I finish one, I just need to finish another I am currently in the middle of and get back down to only 1 or 2 at a time. 
2. Myself. If you read my previous posts, you will see that I am trying to lose some weight and get back to healthy.  Over the summer, I tend to indulge in too much picnic foods and alcohol and let myself go. Working on getting back on track, working out, and cleaning up my diet.

WHAT I'M EXCITED ABOUT...My eldest brother is getting married this Saturday!

WHAT I'M WATCHING/READING...I don't watch much TV, but we have talked about starting Game of Thrones.  I have read the books, but have yet to watch the series.  As for reading, like I said above, eight different books :)  

1. Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling
2. Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
My husband is not a reader and only read the first three HP books when he was in middle school.  He enjoys the movies, and I am an avid reader, so we decided I should read them to I had no idea reading out loud would be so tough, but I really get into it and even do different voices for each character :)
3. The Drowned World by J.G. Ballard
4. The String Diaries by Stephen Lloyd Jones (audiobook)
5. The Likeness by Tana French
6. Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff
7. The Dark Tower by Stephen King (audiobook)
8. The Secrets of the Glass by Donna Russo Morin

WHAT I'M LISTENING TO...currently, Pandora in my office.  Also, two audiobooks listed above.

WHAT I'M WEARING...Fall temps have me busting out rolled skinny jeans with my suede booties.  I bought these last year, and only wore them once...wahwahwah... They are so cute, and I vow to wear them tons over the next few weeks!

WHAT I'M DOING THIS mentioned above, it's my brother's wedding on Saturday! I am in the wedding party, as is Nick, and it is going to be so much fun! I am ready to dance, laugh, and probably shed a few always get me, and c'mon, my big brother is finally getting married!

WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT twin nieces first birthday, our last big family camping trip to Wyalusing, Fall and Halloween decorations, the leaves changing colors, and pumpkiny-cinnamony-fall smells! 

WHAT ELSE IS NEW...It's a very exciting time in my life because...Nick and I are trying to get pregnant! When it happens, it will be our first child. We are beyond excited for the future, but also slightly terrified which is par for the course, of course :) I have already been blowing up my Wee Ones Someday board on Pinterest :):):)

BONUS QUESTION: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FALL FOOD...homemade soups, squash anything, and peppermint desserts!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Weekly Goals 9/26-10/2

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Goals from last week went really well.  I had to make a few amendments, but still accomplished everything.

Mon: 3 mile walk & Total Body Cardio
Tues: C25K W2D1 & Upper Fix
1.84 miles 21:02 - So close to 1.85!
15,754 steps
Wed: Hiking & Lower Fix
It rained most of the day so hiking was out of the picture. Instead a did a 2 mile walk in 30:05
16,283 steps
Thurs: Volleyball (2 games) & Pilates
My team swept both games again!
25-9, 25-23, 25-12
25-8, 25-20, 25-16
Fri: C25K W2D2 & Cardio Fix
1.90 miles in 21:00
Sat: Hiking & Yoga
Once again, hiking didn't happen.  We were supposed to go camping with my parents, but we canceled due to rain.  I did get another 2 mile walk in though.
Sun: C25K W2D3 & Dirty 30
1.73 miles in 21:01
My legs were soooo tired after a week of hard workouts so I took this run nice and slow.

Goal 1: Get 15,000+ steps at least 4 days
4/4 days 14,805 average
Goal 2: Log more than 1.85 miles during one of my runs
Only complete during one run, but was SO close on Tuesday
Goal 3: Complete full week of 21 Day Fix workouts
All seven workouts (Total Body Cardio Fix, Upper Fix, Lower Fix, Pilates Fix, Cardio Fix, Dirty 30, and Yoga Fix) completed.

Completing my goals for this week could potentially be challenging.  My brother is getting married this weekend, and I am in the wedding party.  I have going to try my hardest to get all my workouts in, but it is going to be a busy weekend!

Mon: Total Body Cardio Fix & Pilates Fix
Tues: Upper Fix, Cardio Fix, and C25K W3D1
Wed: Lower Fix, 10 Minute Abs, and C25K W3D2
Thurs: Pilates Fix, Total Body Cardio, and Volleyball
Fri: Cardio Fix, Upper Fix, and C25K W3D3
Sat: Dirty 30 and Pilates Fix
Sun: Yoga Fix & C25K W3D4

Goal 1: Run C25K 4 days this week
Goal 2: 15,000 steps at least 6 times
Goal 3: At least 4 days of 21 Day Fix double workouts

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Welcome to another weigh-in!

Starting: 186.6
Last Week: 184.1
This Week: 183.8
Total Lost: -2.8

A puny loss this week, but a loss all the same.

I really thought I was going to see a big change because I have been eating really well and exercising everyday.  I know the scale is not the most important thing in a healthy lifestyle, but it still can be very motivating and/or discouraging.  Discouragement was unfortunately the first feeling I had after stepping on the scale this morning, but I won't let it get me down.  Even if the number on the scale isn't moving much, I know I am making good choices, have more energy, and my clothes are fitting better.

The week is going well so far.  As I said, I have been eating well and getting my workouts in.

Mon: 3 mile walk & Total Body Cardio
3.09 mile walk
Tues: C25K W2D1 & Upper Fix
1.84 miles in 21:02...sooooo close to getting 1.85+!
15,754 steps
Wed: Hiking & Lower Fix
Hiking unfortunately didn't happen because we have had a lot of rain the past few days and the trails are a mess.  Instead, I just walked in our neighborhood for about 45 mintues total.
16,036 steps
Thurs: Volleyball (2 games) & Pilates
Fri: C25K W2D2 & Cardio Fix
Sat: Hiking & Yoga
Sun: C25K W2D3 & Dirty 30

With the extra cardio and strength training I am doing with the 21 Day Fix videos, hopefully I will have a big loss next week!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Weekly Workouts and Goals

Hello and happy Monday!

Last week went really well, and I am happy to say that I completed all of my workouts, and came this close to also completing my three goals for the week.

Mon: 30 minute walk
Tues: C25K W1D1 & volleyball subbing
1.70 miles in 20:01
Unfortunately, we lost all 3 sets in our volleyball game :(
Wed: Hike in NG park
Thurs: Volleyball
We swept this game though! 25-20, 25-19, 25-21
Fri: C25K W1D2
1.76 miles in 20:03
Sat: Stretch
Sun: C25K W1D3
1.81 in 20:01
I also got in a 2 mile walk so I could get in my 12,000 steps for the day

Goal 1: Finish all workouts
Goal 2: Get 12,000+ steps in each day
12,580 daily average
Goal 3: Stay under 1800 calorie goal each day
This was the only goal I didn't complete, and I was soooo close.  On Saturday, I had a couple beers with dinner at my mom's house and I ended up going 18 calories over my goal.  I came in for a total of 1818 calories for the day, wahwahwahhhh.

I am going to continue with the C25K program this week, and I am also going to start incorporating some strength training and extra cardio by doing a week of 21 Day Fix workouts.

My workout schedule and goals for the week is as follows:

Mon: 3 mile walk & Total Body Cardio
Tues: C25K W2D1 & Upper Fix
Wed: Hiking & Lower Fix
Thurs: Volleyball (2 games) & Pilates
Fri: C25K W2D2 & Cardio Fix
Sat: Hiking & Yoga
Sun: C25K W2D3 & Dirty 30

Goal 1: Get 15,000+ steps at least 4 days
Goal 2: Log more than 1.85 miles during one of my runs
Goal 3: Complete full week of 21 Day Fix workouts

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Even after derailing a bit over the weekend, I had a great weigh-in this morning!

Starting: 186.6
Last Week: 186.6
This Week: 184.1
Total Lost: -2.5

I am hoping to be at 180 by October 1st for my brother's wedding so that my bridesmaid dress will fit a little better, and the rate I am going, that won't be a problem.  I just need to make sure I keep making smart, nutritional food choices and keep tackling my workout schedule.

Mon: 30 minute walk
Tues: C25K W1D1 & volleyball subbing
1.70 miles in 20:01
Wed: Hike in NG park
Thurs: Volleyball
Fri: C25K W1D2
Sat: Stretch
Sun: C25K W1D3

Tonight, I have a hiking dinner picnic planned for me and Nick.  It's a date night "surprise" for Nick and I am super excited!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Weekly Goals

Welcome to a new week!

I was a little late on the uptake last week, and did not set any goals, but I did do a quick workout schedule.

Wed: C25K W1D1
60run/90walk intervals 1.62 miles in 20:01
Thurs: Volleyball
won all 3 sets 25-22, 25-16, 25-10
Fri: C25K W1D2
60run/90walk intervals 1.64 miles in 20:01
Sat: 30 minute walk
Sun: C25K W1D3

I was hoping to extend the motivation I had during the middle of the week throughout the weekend, but that didn't quite happen.  We had a get together at our house Saturday evening so they earlier part of the day was spent cleaning and cooking.  I didn't get out for a walk, but I did do about an hour of yard work.  I may have imbibed a bit much at our party, so most of Sunday was spent recovering.  I didn't run, but I did get back outside for another 2 hours of yard work.  Based on how sore I am today, the yard work was still a great workout!

Even after 3 hours of weeding and digging up random, ugly plants, Nick and I still have a TON of yard work to do.  We bought a new house in June, and are just now getting to cleaning up the yard.  The previous owners were slobs and did not take every good care of the house or yard so we have a lot of catch up to do.  The flower beds are all over grown and the hedges and trees need trimming.  We are slowly making progress, and by next spring, it will be beautiful!

Moving onto this week, here is my workout schedule, and goals.

Mon: 30 minute walk
Tues: C25K W1D1 & volleyball subbing
Since I didn't complete the week last week, I'm starting over.  No moving on until I finish the week!
Wed: Hike in NG park
Thurs: Volleyball
Fri: C25K W1D2
Sat: Stretch
Sun: C25K W1D3

Goal 1: Finish all workouts
Goal 2: Get 12,000+ steps in each day
Goal 3: Stay under 1800 calorie goal each day

Friday, September 9, 2016

Winner Winner

Yahoo! We won!

I am in a volleyball league and our first game was last night.  Team WILSON! took home a win and won all three sets of the match.  Great start to the season!

Even though I am only on day 3 of my journey, I am already feeling really great.  I have been eating well, and getting at least 12,000 steps each day.  This morning, I may have peeked at the scale, and I am already down 3+lbs, mostly from cleaning up my nutrition!

Weekends are always a struggle, but hopefully I can keep this momentum going the next few days.

Happy weekend, everyone!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Workout Schedule

Last night, I started C25K because I need to get back into running.  To need to run for my health, and my sanity.

I plan on trucking along with the C25K until running begins to feel a littler easier again.  Right now, 60 sec run/90 sec walk intervals are perfect. 

Here is my workout plan for the rest of the week:

Wed: C25K W1D1
Thurs: Volleyball
Fri: C25K W1D2
Sat: 30 minute walk
Sun: C25K W1D3

So glad to be back!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Starting again, again

Starting over, again.

I have failed at fitness and blogging a few times now, but I keep coming back because I miss it.  

I miss writing and sharing my thoughts.  I miss the accountability.  I just miss it.

Unfortunately, I am coming back about 10lbs heavier than the last time I started over, again.

I weighed in this morning at 186.6.

The 180s are currently the bane of my existence, but I am the only one that can get myself out.

My brother is getting married October 1st, and I am in the bridal party.  Our bridesmaid dresses are a stretchy material, thank goodness, but my dress is still a bit snug for comfort.  I only have 24 days, but my main goal is to get my nutrition under control and start working out again.  

In 24 days, I CAN accomplish a lot.  Hopefully, I can get down to 180 and feel completely comfortable in my bridesmaid dress.

Cheers to starting again.  Starting anew.  Starting. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Day 2

Yesterday, was Day 1, and I completed all 4 of my goal!

Get 12,000+ steps
12,481 steps
Run 3 miles
More of a run/walk, but still completed 3.12 miles in 35:38
NOT eat candy
I did have an after-volleyball ice cream cone from McDonald's though
Track everything I eat

Today, Day 2, I will...

Get 15,000+ steps
Run 3 miles
Stay within my calorie range

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Day 1

Today is Day 1.

On Day 1, I will...

Get 12,000+ steps
Run 3 miles
NOT eat candy
Track everything I eat