Thursday, August 8, 2013

NSV & Dogs

It's NSV link-up time with KTJ!


I feel like it's been forever since I have had a non-scale victory, and I didn't think I was going to have one to share this week, but I do!

Without even making an effort, I have not had any candy or sweets this week! (with the exception of one brownie bite after Anna's returning-home dinner last night).  It didn't even occur to me that I haven't had sweets until I ate the brownie bite last night. Usually, after I finish lunch or dinner, I immediately get a craving for sweets.  Lately, I have been good, and I have just been having a tootsie roll.  Other times though, I devour a full candy bar and blow 200-300 calories.  This week though, I have not even noticed cravings, therefore, I haven't had any candy or desserts!  

I am not sure what I have been doing this week to make this happen, but I sure am glad it is happening!  Perhaps since I am focusing on eating lots of fruits and veggies this week, I am getting enough natural sugars that my body is not craving artificial sweets?  

Transforming My Morning

1.  I am thankful for my dogs and the constant companionship and entertainment they provide.  When I need a laugh, they do something goofy to make me smile.  When I am sad, they feel it too, and snuggle up with their momma.  They never judge me. They could care less if I was 150 pounds or 300 pounds, as long as I return the love they show me.  They are gentle creatures that love unconditionally, and I am so happy to call them mine!

Skittles Marie

Molly Elizabeth

If you're a dog love, read this.  So sweet & sad. 
2.  "Whoever said diamonds are a girl's best friend, never had a dog."

3.  You are a enough.

4.  Meditation.


1 comment:

  1. Good for you on the no sweets, that is so HARD sometimes!! I find myself going through spurts with sweets! Dogs are great companions and they love you unconditionally!! Thanks for linking up with us!!
