Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday

Super busy at work today, so this is a quick post.

Transforming Your Morning Challenge

1.  I am thankful that I get to see my bff, Anna, again tonight and spend a little more time with her before she flies back to New Jersey tomorrow morning.

This picture went into my mini journal because it's hilarious! 
2.  “Good friends are like stars.  You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.”

3.  FOCUS – again.  I have a lot to get through at work today so I really really need to focus.

4.  Meditation


Weigh In Wedneday

Last week: 167.5
This week:  167.3

Small loss, but it’s a loss all the same.  I really need to start busting my ass if I want to win the 10 week challenge between me and Nick.  I should be at at least 165.1 to be on track.  Still totally doable to lose the 10%, it’s just going to be difficult.  I have faith though.  Nick forgot to weigh himself this morning, so we don't know his weight today.

Have a lovely Wednesday my friends!  


  1. You can still totally do it. I am in a 10 week challenge right now and I am behind as well. I had a couple bad weeks I am hoping to make up for. Good Luck!

    1. It seems daunting, but you're right, we can still do it! Good luck to you as well!
