Friday, January 17, 2014

5 on Friday: Feeling Healthy Edition

I am dedicating this 5 of Friday post to the healthy changes I am feeling in my body.  Now that I am working out consistently, and have been eating quite well, I am starting to feel wonderful!  I was feeling bloated, tired, and sluggish, but I am slowly doing a 180 to an improved, and healthy me!!  Here are the top five health changes I have noticed so far in 2014.

I no longer feel like/think I need coffee in the morning.  The first thought that used to pop into my head when I opened my eyes in the morning was, "I need coffee!"  I would have my 2-3 cups in the morning.  Then in the afternoon, I would sometimes have 1-2 cups more!  My mind/body no longer feels dependent on coffee to get me through the day.  Instead, I am getting energy through exercise and eating the right foods.  I do still enjoy coffee in the morning, but I'm down to one cup.

I was having the most difficult time getting out of bed.  Seriously, I was hitting snooze for an hour or more most mornings... I could have been using the precious time to work out, but instead I wanted 5 more minutes, just 5 more minutes.  Those 5 minutes turned to 10 to 30 to an hour!  I am still guilty of hitting snooze, but I now only do it once or twice.

Tying in with both one and two, more energy!  I feel energize when I wake up, not tired.  When 2:30 hits, and everyone else at work is tired and sluggish, I'm peppy and feeling great.  I don't feel the need to guzzle coffee or take a nap.  I have enough natural energy to power me through the entire day.

I don't feel as bloated and gross.  'Nuff said.

Less cravings.  I used to crave salty stuff like Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream chips, or chocolate.  It was a struggle battling these cravings, and they unfortunately won most of the time.  I still crave chocolate after dinner, but I am now more aware of what I eat.  Instead of downing an entire candy bar, I'll have one square of a Lindt dark chocolate bar.  The salt craving is nearly nonexistent.

If I already feel this great after only 17 days, I am beyond excited about my healthy future!!

Happy weekend, everyone!

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