Friday, January 10, 2014

5 on Friday: Madison Edition

As I have already mentioned in two other posts, Wednesday was Nick's birthday.  I didn't buy him a present...gasp!  

Instead, I'm taking him out in downtown Madison this weekend.  I grew up in a small town close to Madison, and I went to college in Madison, but Nick is from Illinois.  Nick has never gotten to experience downtown Madison's nightlife.  We only live about 30 minutes away, but I got us a hotel for Saturday night, so we can both fully enjoy the night, and not worry about driving anywhere.  

In honor of our weekend, and a few things I LOVE in this awesome city, I am doing a 5 on Friday Madison Edition. 


 After dropping the dogs off at a friends, our first stop in Madison will be the Chazen Art Museum.  This is more for me than Nick, but I think he'll like it.  They recently opened a new contemporary wing (right side of the building) that I've only been in a for a few minutes so I can't wait to fully check it out.


My favorite place to eat in Madison!  The Brasserie V is an awesome European inspired restaurant near my work.  Not only is their food a-maze-balls, but they have over 250 beers selections from all over the world.  Nick loves beer, and has never been to BV so I'm pumped to take him to lunch there. 


Breweries galore!  A few microbreweries have popped up in Madison, and as I said above, Nick LOVES beer.  Not only does Nick love beer, but I love beer.  This weekend is mostly going to be about drinking a lot of good beer.  No shame. The above are 3 breweries we will be checking out.


Madison Comedy Club on State.
Nick is a big fan of stand up comedy.  It's really a hit or miss for me, but I will admit, the few times we have gone to the CC, I've enjoyed it.  Going to a show was Nick's one request for this weekend, but since I'm such an amaaaazing girlfriend, I had already reserved our tickets before he asked :)


 If you like martinis, this is the bar for you!  The Icon has the most amazing martinis, and after 10pm, they are on special for only $5!  These martinis are potent though...only one and you're going to be feeling it.  Besides the martinis, The Icon also has a great ambiance.  They play old black and white movies, and the decor is based around pictures of Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, John Wayne, etc.  

I could go on forever with this list, but these are the top 5 things we will be doing this weekend.  I am just super excited to show Nick all of my favorite old haunts, and for him to have a little taste of my life as a college student.  It will also just be nice to get out of the house for a night!!

Have a fantabulous weekend!