Thursday, February 13, 2014

Non-Scale Victory

"Ello, 'ello, my lovelies!

Today I am linking up with the fabulous KTJ (Seriously, she's awesome. Go check her out!), to share my non-scale victory.


My NSV is that I am rocking my 7-Day Slim Down Challenge, and I feel awesome! 

Eating clean, with the exception of the popcorn fiasco, and working out, has never felt so good. I am pumped full of energy and my body feels less bloated and heavy. 

I know we're talking about NON-scale victories today, but I am beyond excited to see the number that shows up on the scale once this challenge wraps up. No matter what that number ends up being, this challenge has helped boost my confidence in my health and fitness goals. 

Yesterday, my challenge leader gave us the tasks of writing down one thing that has changed since we joined the group. We then had to take a selfie with that message, and display it on the group wall. Following what I just said above, this was/is my selfie:

I am learning so much about living a healthy lifestyle, and about myself, through this challenge. I am grateful for the experience, and I am excited to continue using this knowledge to complete my goals!


  1. Great job on your NSV........and I love this idea of what has changed. keep up the good work.
