Wednesday, March 25, 2015


First order of business:


Finally, I am out of the 80's!  I hope to NEVER see them again!

I didn't do an official WIW post last week because I forgot to weigh-in on Wednesday.  I did step on the scale Thursday though, and I came in at 180.5.  

This 1.9lb loss comes as a little bit of a surprise (didn't eat the greatest over the weekend, but wasn't too terrible either, and I used the snow as an excuse to skip my 4 mile long run on Sunday...), but it is definitely a welcome one!

I had an amazing 3 mile run last night!  I was very tempted to skip it, but once I skip one run (e.g. Sunday), I just want to keep skipping them (e.g. last night's temptation).  

The original plan was to run on my lunch break at work, but I ended up being too busy and didn't get around to it.  I "accidentally" (I was going to use this as my excuse to not run after work) left my running bag at the office. 

Once I got home though, the thought of skipping another run made me feel ashamed.  I don't like blogging that I am not following through with my goals.  I want to inspire others, not admit defeat time and time again...


Leaving my bag at work meant I didn't have my running shoes, my Garmin, or my iPod.  How could I possibly run with out these essentials!

Well, I kicked it old school.

I busted out an old pair of shoes (Asic Gel Tri Noosa 7s) that got me through my 2nd, and fastest half marathon in 2013, and my trusty stop watch.  

The watch doesn't doesn't have GPS so I just relied on time to track my miles.  I've been running just over 10:00 miles so I figured if I ran for 30 minutes, I would be close to 3 miles.  Then when I got back home, I would just have to map the run using RunningAhead. 

I also hit the pavement without music, gasp!

As soon as I started running, I knew it was going to be a good one.  Everything just felt right.  I felt light and fast.  It actually felt good to not have my iPod cord bouncing around on my neck and chest.

I didn't have much of a route in mind, I just made it up on the fly, and I ended up hitting 30 minutes just a block away from home.  As I said, I felt fast, but was surprised to see the 9:28 pace once I mapped it out!  

Even though I didn't miss having music as much as I thought I would, I did miss my Garmin.  I really wish I could see my mile splits!

Even though this run felt so great, it was by no means easy.  I was really pushing myself and breathing hard about half way through.  It was only 30 some degrees, but as you can see, I still got SUPER sweaty :)

Today, I have 4 miles on the schedule.  My pace last night was hard, and I don't think I could eek out another mile going that fast.  I'll have to dial it back for sure.  

In non-health news, I found the necklace and shoes that I will be wearing on my wedding day!

I have my first dress alteration fitting next weekend, and I am beyond exciting to get that started and to get the whole look pulled together.  Only 73 days until I say "I do"!

And one last completely unrelated note...

My job has a very relaxed dress code, and I usually take full advantage.  

Most days, I wear jeans, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt or sweatshirt from the college, with my hair pulled back in a pony.  To me, this is the epitome of comfort, but c'mon, I'm 27 years's time to start dressing like an adult.

So, for the first time in weeks, I actually put effort into my outfit and hair today.

If I may say so, I sure do clean up nicely! :)

Happy Wednesday!!


  1. Great loss!! Your post made me laugh - however, can we do our workouts without all our gadgets?? Good reminder - just because we can dress down at work, doesn't mean we have to!

    1. Thank you, Anna! I think the gadgets are helpful, and I never want to run without my Garmin again! I like knowing my specific mile times so I can try to beat it in the next mile, it's a good motivator for me.

  2. Awesome loss! Good for you for getting out there without your tech stuff! I don't know if I would have done it! :)

  3. Wow excellent loss for sure! And super duper excellent job getting that run done! Great job all around!
