Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Day 8 - November 1 & November Goals

Happy November!

To start, my plan for Day 8.

Meal Plan:
B: Ancient Grains Cheerios with milk
S: Orange & shortbread cookies
L: Stuffed pepper
S: Broccoli & hummus
D: Orange shrimp Stir-fry

Workout Schedule:
C25K W6D1
Lower: 10 squats, 10 lunges, 10 calf raises
Upper: 11 pullovers, 11 kickbacks, 11 front raises
Abs: 10 roll-ups, 10 ankle reaches, 10 leg lifts, 6 reverse crunches

I went a little overboard this weekend with nutrition (pizza, twice in one day, oops), but overall, I have been doing well.  I have been chugging along nicely with my 30 Day Challenges, but I want to up my workout intensity.  Besides "running" three times a week, my cardio has only been coming from walks.  I love going for walks, but I don't feel that I'm getting my heart rate up enough to really consider them a workout.  I know going for a walk is better than nothing because I am at least moving, but I need a change if I want to see a change.

Starting today, because who doesn't love starting a challenge/setting goals at the beginning of a month, I will be doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.  I have had the video for about 3 years, but have only done the workout about 5 times.  Since I have been doing well with the mini 30 Day Challenges, hopefully I can power through and complete the full 30 days of working out with Jillian.

Besides completing 30 Day Shred, I have a few other goals for the month of November.

Complete C25K and find a race to start training for.
I have 4 weeks of C25K left.  Week 5 went really well, even the dreaded 20 minute run on day 3.  Once I wrap up C25K and start training for a race, I need to work on consistency in my splits!

W5D1 - R5:00, W3:00, R5:00, W3:00, R5:00

W5D2 - R8:00, W5:00, R8:00

W5D3 - R20:00
Log at 12,000+ steps at least 20/30 days.

Attempt to complete all Christmas shopping.
I know this is quite a lofty goal, but it would be REALLY great to avoid the December shopping mania.

Get out of the 180's
This has been plaguing me for months!  I WILL finally see the 170's this month!

That's that.  Go make November GREAT!

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