Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Weighing In and Working Out

This week's weigh-in was pretty lame.

I've been pretty darn active since last Wednesday, so I had high hopes for this weigh-in.  I actually woke up excited to weigh myself, thinking I would be out of the 80's, and would be able to start wearing my new running shoes.

Alas, I'm up .6 from last week.  I was so shocked to see a higher number, that I got off and on the scale a few times to make sure I wasn't crazy.

Since we went camping over the weekend, I didn't eat the greatest those couple days, but otherwise, my nutrition has been spot on.  I have stayed within my calorie range the rest of the week, eating healthy foods to fill those calories, and haven't had any candy.

Though I'm bummed, I'm not going to let a bad weigh-in get me down.  I'm going to keep trucking with my workouts, and will work harder in the nutrition department.  

Nick and I are camping again this week, but it's just the two of us so I can control our menu for the weekend.  I'm going to work out a camping meal plan today, and make sure we eat WELL this time.

On Monday, I shared my workouts from the past week of 7/20-7/26, and this week's workout schedule.  So far, this is how the week has gone.

2.14 mile walk with the dogs

21-Day Strength Challenges: I found these basic strength challenges on Pinterest to help me ease into add strength training to my training plan.

2.32 mile walk with dogs

3-4 mile run - 3.56 miles in 38:50
This was a tough one!  At 8pm, it was still 79 degrees and HUMID!  The air just felt wet.  Before I reached the end of my block, I was already covered in sweat.

Today, I have a 2-3 mile run scheduled, which I plan to do as a tempo run.  I am also on Day 3 of the strength challenges so I will be doing 8 reps X3 of each move.  I will most likely also squeeze in a 2+ mile walk with the dogs before bed.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Weekly Rundown 7/20-7/26

2.07 mile walk

2.04 mile walk
3-4 mile run - 3.37 miles
This was my first run on my new training plan.  The plan has me running 5 times a week, with mileage ranges for each day.  Each run, I aim to run the higher end of the mileage range, but sometimes, it just doesn't work out.  I am using run/walk intervals (2:30 run/:30 walk) until my legs gain strength and my breathing comes easier.  

2.25 mile walk
2-3 mile run - 2.48 miles
I pushed myself with this run, working on speed.  Even though I am taking walking breaks, I am very happy with my pace.

2.36 mile walk
3-4 mile run - My legs were DEAD so I chose to forgo the run, and stretched a lot instead.
My legs were so tired and sore that I just couldn't make myself run!

Legs were still really tired so I took a true rest day, and didn't do any activity other than stretching.

1.58 mile hike
1.72 mile hike
2-3 mile run - 2.08 miles
We went camping with my family this weekend at a small campground.  The trails were pretty short, so I did a double hike to get some extra activity in.  First, I went with Nick and the dogs, and then my nephew wanted to go so I took another loop with him.  It was a rather humid and steamy day, and I put off running for the longest time.  I almost didn't go at all, but finally talked myself into it.  I did the same hiking loop, with some added road running to get at least 2 miles.  Trail running is difficult, but a lot of fun!  The varying terrain helps focus my mind on the trail and my form rather than how tired I am.

4-5 mile long run - 5.18
Everything about this run felt good!  I would have liked to see faster mile times, but I wanted to go with an easy pace so I could cover some good mileage.  Overall, very happy with how this run went!

This past week, I completed a total of 10 workouts.  Per my rewards system, I banked $20 (10 workouts X $2 each) for my shopping spree fund!  After work, I need to go grocery shopping so I'm going to take $20 out at an ATM to stash away in a safe place at home.

This weeks training plan looks like this:

Cross Train
I will walk the dogs, and I plan on doing upper and lower strength training circuits.

3-4 miles

2-3 miles

3-4 miles


5-6 miles

2-3 miles

Happy Monday, everyone!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Rewards Revisited, Again.

Finally, I have all my rewards for reaching certain weight goals figured out.

I originally came up with these in June, and then edited them at the beginning of this week because my needs/priorities changed a bit.

180 - Hiking boots Running shoes
I can feel that mine are wearing out.  I've had them for over a year, so it's time.  I already have my new pair bought, but I don't get to wear them until I reach 180.

175 - Sandals Subscription to a running magazine.

170 - Running shoes Pedicure

165 - Pedicure New sports bras

160 - New workout clothes 

155 - Massage *Still need to think of something*
Had the second one of my life while on our honeymoon.  Honestly, not much of a fan.

152 - Shopping Spree

I needed to add one more reward, and priorities have changed again.  The final reward system will be the following:

180 - Running Shoes

175 - Hydration Vest

170 - Subscription to a running magazine

165 - Pedicure

160 - New sports bras

155 - New workout clothes

152 - Wardrobe shopping spree

As my runs become longer, I'm going to need to start taking fuel along with me.  I don't like holding anything in my hands while running so I don't want to carry a water bottle.  I already have a hydration belt that holds four 6oz water bottles, but I go through them too quickly, and I don't want to keep stopping to refill.  To carry more water with me, I have my eye on these two.

Nathan Intensity

Camelbak Marathoner.

For extra motivation to reach my goal weight, and get that shopping spree, I have started paying myself to workout.  For each workout that I complete, I get $2.  Workouts are considered a run, 30+ minutes of walking or other cardio, doing a workout video, or completing a strength training circuit.

So far this week, I have completed 5 workouts: 3 30+ minute walks with the dogs, and 2 runs.  I've made $10.  When I reach $20 increments, I'll take the money out at an ATM, and will stash the cash away somewhere.  Once I reach my goal weight, I'll take that cash to buy myself a new, adult, professional wardrobe.

Does YOU use a hydration vest?  Do YOU recommend one of the above vests over the other?
Any recommendations on which running magazine is the best?

Throw Back

I dug up some pictures today to help motivate me to reach my goals.

This one is from my second half marathon in May 2013.  I was at my lowest weight, in the 150's, since high school, and I PRed with a time of 2 hours, 9 minutes, and some seconds.  This race made me realize that if I trained just a bit harder, I could get a sub 2 hour half.  

But didn't train harder, and I haven't reached that sub 2 goal, yet.

This one is from August 2012.  I had run my first ever half marathon in May 2012 with a time of 2 hours, 24 minutes, and some seconds.  I was in the 160's, and rocking that swimsuit.  I still remember that day, and how I felt SO comfortable, even with all that skin exposed.  

Was my body perfect?  No, and it probably never will be, but I was comfortable and happy with it, and that is what's important.  I want to feel that comfort again, and not be insecure in a bathing suit.

These pictures are proof that I can reach my goals, I just need to work for them.  They won't come easily, and it will be a daily struggle.

But, I can do it.

I've done it before, and I will do it again.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Happy Wednesday!

This morning was my first weigh-in in 3 weeks.  While I would really like to be out of the 80's, I'm just thankful it's not higher!  Our honeymoon really derailed my exercise and healthy eating plan, but I'm working hard to get back on track.

Since I have not run in the last 3 weeks, I have decided to ease back into it by doing run-walk intervals.  I'm running 2:30 and walking :30.  Once I become more comfortable with the intervals, I'll switch back to just running.

Monday, I had cross-training on the schedule so I took the dogs for a 2.07 mile walk.

Yesterday, I had a 3-4 mile run.  I left the house with intentions of doing all 4 miles.  When I started the first run/walk interval, I thought man, this easy.  After about the third one though, I was struggling!  Those 2:30 runs seemed to be longer and longer, and  those :30 seconds of walking went by way too quickly.  When I hit 3 miles, I wanted so badly to stop, and call it a day, but I made myself go through one more sequence for a total of 3.37 miles in 35:44. Mile 1 - 10:19, Mile 2 - 10:38, Mile 3 - 10:44, .37 Mile - 4:03.

My legs were very tired and tight after the run, so I took the long way home so I could walk and stretch everything out.  I walked for about a mile myself, stopped by the house for water and to pick up the dogs, and walked for another mile to round out 2.04 miles of added walking.

Even though the run was physically and mentally tough, I felt GREAT afterwards!

Today I have 2-3 miles, and once again, I'm aiming to do the full 3. 

Stop over to Winter or Cassi's blogs to join the Weigh-in Wednesday link-up!  Share your story, and cheer on others!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


I celebrated my 28th birthday a few weeks ago.  My birthday is July 1st, and this was an especially great birthday because it was the day we left for our Colorado honeymoon.  To celebrate my birthday on my blog, I'm going to share 28 random things about myself.

1.  My last name, well, maiden name now, means wooden spoon in German.  The principal of my grade school was from Germany, and he referred myself and my brothers as his "little wooden spoons". 

2.  Speaking of brothers...I have two biological brothers, three stepbrothers, and one stepsister. 

3.  Yo se un poco español.  Puedo escribir and leer mejor que yo puedo hablar y oír.

4.  I have decided that in my 28th year, I am going to send birthday cards to all of my family and friends.  I love getting cards in the mail.  I hope I can put a smile on their faces when they open my cards!

5.  Ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen. Aber, nicht viel!

6.  I am right handed, but batted left handed in softball, and when I drive with only one hand, it has to be my left.

7.  I have been friends with my best friend since 7th grade. 

8.  Until our honeymoon trip to CO, I had never been further west than Minnesota.  I live in Wisconsin...

9.  I hate mice.  And frogs.  A lot.

10.  Nick and I actually met online. to be specific.  We made up a cover story about being friends with mutual friends, blah blah blah, until we decided we were being ridiculous with not telling the truth.  Who cares if we met online?!  We found each other, and that's what matters.

11. I have very skinny eyebrows, that I did not pluck that way, that's just all I have.  I have been asked by someone sitting about 10 feet away, if I was missing an eyebrow...they're that small.  

12.  When I was younger, I wanted to have two children: a boy named Dimitri Allan and a girl named McKenna Morgan.  Those are both lovely names, but I'm glad I've gotten over them...

13.  Speaking of children, Nick and I are planning to start trying for children within the next year.  I am beyond excited, and yet, TERRIFIED.

14.  Names I like now:  Eric and Julia.

15.  My family has always had at least one dog.  When I hear about people that don't have a pet/never have had a pet, I am flabbergasted.  I understand that some people just aren't into dogs/cats/pets, but I find it very strange.  Usually, those people aren't to be trusted ;)

16.  I have never dyed my hair before.  

17.  I have dyed/frosted my brother's hair for them in high school, weirdos. 

18.  I love books.  Like, a lot.  Nick says I'm not allowed to buy anymore so I need to sneak them into the house when I do.  When he catches me, he just rolls his eyes.  I hope to have a specific library/reading home in our house someday. 

19.  I have three nephews and a niece.  AND, I'll be getting TWIN nieces in October!! 

20.  My bachelor's degree is in Broad Field Social Studies.  Since I didn't go into teaching, and people ask about my major, I say I know a little bit about everything, but not a lot of any one thing.

21.  I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.  I've contemplated going to grad school, or backing back to school, for a lot of random things such as, but not limited to: Archaeology, Marriage and Family Therapy, American Sign Language, Art History, Spanish, Museum Curating, Health Sciences, Accounting, and Historical Preservation. 

22.  My lucky number is 34.

23.  In college, I studied abroad in Rome for 4 months.  It was such an AMAZING experience.  When my nieces and nephews, and my own children are in college, I am definitely going to urge them to go abroad. 

24.  I work in a college bookstore, and have worked here for 9 years total.  I started as a student worker while in college, worked as an LTE right after I graduated, and got a full-time position as the clothing and supply manager almost 5 years ago.  Three years ago, I was promoted to textbook manager.  It's very fitting that I love books, and work with books everyday. 

25.  I have a dream of opening my own business called, Books, Beans, and Barks.  I won't go into detail because I don't want anyone to steal my idea ;)

26.  When I pulled out one of my lateral incisor teeth as a child, there was no adult tooth in my jaw to replace it.  I've had a fake tooth on a retainer, called a flipper, since I was about 12 years old.  I would really like to get an implant so I don't have to worry about the retainer anymore, but it cost $3,500+.  Yikes!

27.  Nick and I knew we were meant for each other when we discovered out debit pin numbers were direct opposites of each other.  

28.  My favorite colors are blue, purple, and green.

Monday, July 20, 2015

I'm Ready!

This lady is ready to get serious!

I'm tired of my clothes being too tight from over-indulging, and I want to run that damn marathon that I've been talking about for the past 3 years!

To help getting my booty in gear, I ordered myself a FitBit Charge.

I'm very excited for this little baby to show up.  Even though I just ordered it on Thursday, and the earliest it will arrive is the 23rd, I keep checking the mailbox like a kid on Christmas morning!

In this post, I outlined a training plan, goals, and a reward system.  Since then, I've had to adjust a bit.

I am not going to be ready to run a marathon in October, so I am now looking at November.  

My training schedule has been reset and remapped.  The plan I am now following allows for mileage wiggle room each run.  For example, on Tuesday, I have 3-4 miles.  I going at it with the mindset of hitting the higher mileage, but if I fall short, I will still, hopefully, be within the mileage range. 

My macro goals are still the same:

Run a marathon.

Reach 152 pounds.

My rewards have changed.  Priorities/desires have changed.

180 - Hiking boots Running shoes
I can feel that mine are wearing out.  I've had them for over a year, so it's time.  I already have my new pair bought, but I don't get to wear them until I reach 180.

175 - Sandals Subscription to a running magazine.

170 - Running shoes Pedicure

165 - Pedicure New sports bras

160 - New workout clothes 

155 - Massage *Still need to think of something*
Had the second one of my life while on our honeymoon.  Honestly, not much of a fan.

152 - Shopping Spree

I have more to add to my reward system, but I'll save it for another post :)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Honeymoon and Wedding Photos!

It's been another hot second since I've blogged.

I've been busy, eating hasn't been great, weight is up, haven't worked out much, and work has been crazy.

Those all sound like excuses to me, and they are, but at the moment, I do not care.

I married my Pookie on 6/6/15 and we traveled to beautiful Colorado 7/1/15-7/8/15 for our honeymoon.  I've had great dinners with friends, have had cocktails on the patio after work, tubed down the Sugar River, and have gone camping with my parents

At the moment, my heart is full, life is good, and I am happy :)

Don't get me wrong, I still wan to run a marathon, loose weight, and live a healthy lifestyle.  But for now, I'm not worrying about it, and I'm basking in the happiness of how much I love life, and being a newlywed :)

As the post title suggests, I have photos! 

Lots of photos from our honeymoon and the wedding.  

We received our wedding disks from our photographer yesterday, and I randomly chose 30 photos, out of 550+!!!, to share.  Enjoy.

One of my favorites! With our wedding party, and their significant others.

After my best friend from 7th grade, Anna's, MOH speech.

Our friend, Adam, was ordained online so he could marry us :)

My lovely, beautiful mother.

My stepsister, and bridal attendant, Mariah. 

Brothers, and step-siblings.  My brother, Cody, works outdoors...can you guess which one he is?  Lol!

Another favorite! Our version of American Gothic.

My adorable nephews, Blake and Eivin.

Nick made our awesome card box!

Nick's cousins and their wives.

After my stepdad's speech.  He gave such an amazing speech, and had so many people crying!  My stepdad walked me down the aisle, and gave the welcoming speech before dinner.

After the father/daughter dance that I danced with my actual dad. 

Edgewood College Alumnae! All my besties from my college days.

The dough from our dollar dance.  We chose to do a dollar dance just so we could each take a couple seconds to talk with each person that danced with us.  We didn't care about the money, we just wanted to have a special moment with individual guests.  The money was donated to our local humane society.  I was amazed that we racked up $220!

Wisconsin love <3

Of course we had to get shots with our fur babies!

Skittles was SO cranky, but adorable anyway :)
And now, some pictorals from our honeymoon.

White water rafting in Fort Collins.  Nick and I are in the blue.  I was terrified before hand, and wanted to poop myself, but it ended up being a blast!  So glad Nick talked me into it!

I had the most delicious sushi in Denver! I still dream about it ;)

This is what we did most of the time...brewery hopped... Equinox Brewing in Fort Collins. 

O'Dell Brewing in Fort Collins.

Flatiron Mountains outside of Boulder.

Left Hand Brewing in Longmont.

Nick's favorite beer is Left Hand Milk Stout.  He never wanted to leave.

Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, the hotel from the movie The Shining. 

Rocky Mountain National Park.

Panorama of Rocky Mountain National Park.

Oscar Blues Brewing in Lyons.

Once again, Wisconsin love, at Royal Gorge. 

Coors Brewery in Golden.

A scenic stop on our way down (we drove, no way in hell we could have hiked it) from the top of Pike's Peak.  I think the altitude was getting to us at this point lol.