Friday, March 15, 2013

Trying Something New

Trying something new can be quite terrifying at times.  Last night I tried something new that I was nervous/a little afraid to do, and right now I am doing something else that terrifies me. 
What I was afraid of last night, was taking a fitness class with my aunt.  My aunt and I go to the same gym, and it offers a variety of classes throughout the week.  I am not necessarily in poor shape, but I am not in great shape either.  The class I was to take with my aunt was a muscle building class.  It is important to incorporate strength training into my overall marathon training if I want to perform well.  I was nervous to take this class because I was afraid I would not be able to keep up.  This class has been going on twice a week since January, and I was worried I would not know the moves, and that I would be the chump in the corner messing up and lagging behind.
I became even more nervous when we walked into the room, and I was the youngest person by at least 15 years.  How embarrassing would it be to be shown up by people old enough to be my parents, or possibly my grandparents?  Luckily, there were only seven of us taking the class last night so there would not be too many people to witness my embarrassing performance.  I was quickly surprised, and overjoyed, that the moves were easy to learn, and the instructor was kind enough to explain moves to me if I did not know them.  I had absolutely no trouble keeping up, and it was a fun class.  Happily, it was a GREAT workout, and I am really glad I overcame the fear and participated. I am extremely sore today, but it is that good sore feeling.  The feeling that you did a kick ass workout.     
What terrifies me right now is writing this blog.  I am terrified to put myself out there, and have other people read about my successes and failures.  I read a lot of great fitness/health blogs though, and it seems that blogging really helps keep the person on track with their fitness goals.  By blogging, I will need to be more accountable because I do not want to report continual failures.  I want to report successes to my readers!  I know there might be a few failures along my path of training for a marathon, but I obviously want my successes to greatly outweigh them.
Now that I have started this blog, and I took a new fitness class, I have decided to make it a goal to try something new at least once a month.  The something new can be anything from a new fitness class, to a new workout I try at home, to new recipes or foods, to a new way to style my hair.  Just anything that takes me out of my comfort zone, and helps me gain new experiences. 
I am excited to be here and to share my journey with you!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

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