Friday, March 15, 2013


Why? Oh why, oh why did I do that?!  I just ate not 1, but 2(!) donuts.  According to MyFitnessPal, I wasted 490 calories on those donuts, and 30g of fat!  Now I feel icky, bloated, and guilty.  Just like I knew I would, and yet I still ate them.
One of our books reps, who ALWAYS brings us treats, stopped by today with a dozen Dunkin Donuts in tow.  I curse you, Howie!  Why would you do that to me?!  Donuts are a huge weakness for me.  If they’re not around, I don’t go out and buy them, but when they’re within reach, I have a difficult time saying no.  They’ve been in the office since 10:30, and I made an effort to stay away, but by noon, I had one.  Then 20 minutes later, I had another.
Now I’m wallowing in my sorrows for not being stronger.  Alas, there isn’t anything I can do about it now.  What’s done is done, and regretting my decision won’t change it.  For the rest of the day, I just need to be much more mindful of what I put in my body, and the next time I’m at the gym, I’ll have to work extra hard.
After work, Nick and I are going out to dinner with friends.  I have already checked out the menu, and found a few options that will help me salvage the rest of the day.  Since I won’t have time to go to the gym today, I swapped my Friday and Saturday workouts.  Today, I would have run 3 miles, but instead I did my Saturday 30 minutes cardio by walking the dogs before work.  Tomorrow, I’ll run and do my strength training in.  Since I ate those donuts today, I’m also going to do some extra cardio on either the bike or elliptical to blast those calories away.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by!

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