Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How to Tell if You Have a/some Awful, Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Really Bad, Naughty Dog(s)


30 Minute Walk with Dogs-1.67 miles

4.65 mile run – 42:38

Brrrrr! What a chilly, windy run.  Despite the cold, it was a great run overall.  My speed has gotten so much better lately, I felt like I was flying.  My shins and calves felt tight for the first 2 miles, but they eventually got with the program and loosened up.

This week has been off to a really great start, and I am proud of myself for following my weekly goals so far.  I have taken the beast dogs for a walk both yesterday and today.  In fact, they went on two walks today.  I thought it was supposed to rain today so I took them for one in the morning before it started, in case we didn’t get a chance to after work.  It still hasn’t rained yet, so I also took them for another one after my run to cool down. 

I also got my butt to the gym and did strength training last night just as I had scheduled. I maybe did not do as much as I wanted to/should have since I only did arms, but I had to get back home to study for a Spanish test that I had today.  At least I got to the gym and did something though.   

Another victory today was receiving a bag of candy from a textbook rep, and not having a single piece of it.  Get I get a HELLLLL YEAH?!  It was filled with Rolos, Starbursts, mini Twix, suckers, Jolly Ranchers, KitKats, basically everything Heaven is made of, but I resisted.  I put the bag in a desk drawer so I wouldn’t stare at it and be tempted.  I’ll save it to share with my student workers, or for another day when I feel I have better control over my sweets addiction.

One final thought.  I am thinking of sporadically writing a series of posts called, “How to Tell if You Have a/some Awful, Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Really Bad, Naughty Dog(s).”  You may ask, where did this idea come from?  Well, my dogs are usually very well behaved, but every now and then, they do stuff that is just so naughty that I cannot believe they actually did it. 

Exhibit A: When I got home from my run tonight, one of them…ahem, Skittles…had pooped on the floor.  How did I know it was Skittles?  As soon as I walked in the door, she jumped up on the couch and gave me the “Awwww shit, I’m in so much trouble look.”  For some reason, anytime Skittles does anything bad, she always sits on the couch and gives us that look.  You think she would be smarter, and act like she has no idea what’s going on instead of giving herself away immediately. 

Dogs have accidents some times.  You ask, why is this SO naughty?  Well, not 3 minutes before I left on my run, that little naughty baby had already done her business, in a BIG way, out in the yard.  She’s a little 15 pound Boston Terrier puppy for pete’s sake, where is she storing all that poop!?!?

Exhibit B:  Molly dog is an older gal, and she is a bit lumpy and bumpy. She has a few fatty lumps on her legs that the vet is not at all concerned about.  One lump in particular is about the size of a pea.  She has had it for years, but apparently today was the day she decided she had had enough of it.  Molly took it upon herself to try to chew it off, or some sick shit like that.  This also occurred while I was running because it was still there before I left because.  When I was petting her before leaving, I had touched it.  When I got back, I noticed she wouldn’t stop licking her leg.  Like, she couldn’t even look at me; she was so engrossed in licking it.  When I checked to see what the dealio was, I discovered a bloody leg and a deflated lump with some nasty shit coming out of it.  I don’t know for sure if she bit it open herself, but I have no idea how else it could have popped.  I cleaned it out really well, and now I just have to keep an eye on it.  It is starts to look yucky, we’ll have to make a visit to the vet.    

So, those right there, are two prime examples of How to Tell if You Have a/some Awful, Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Really Bad, Naughty Dog(s).  For serious though, I love my naughty baby dogs, and I wouldn’t trade them for the world!!!!  I will love and cherish them, and their naughty habits, forever! 

The little bad seeds at their finest

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