Thursday, June 27, 2013

NSV Link-Up

Living a healthy lifestyle is not just about the number on the scale.  It is also about feeling good physically and mentally.  It is about non-weight related victories.  It is about celebrating the little things. 

I am linking up today with the awesome KTJ and lovely Ashlee to share Non-Scale Victories.   

This week, I have two NSVs.  First, the ice cream in the freezer has been calling my name all week so far, but I’ve been able to thwart that evil temptress!!  At one point, I was standing at the fridge, with freezer door open, staring into the temptress’ mesmerizing eyes, about to dish myself up a bowl.  Instead, I snapped out of my trance, shut the freezer door, and went to read a book instead.  Victory!

My second NSV is that I have formed my new marathon training plan.  If you read this post, you know I’ve been slacking, and basically wasted 3 weeks of training.  I was in panic mode about this over the weekend, but I have calmed down, and created a new schedule to follow.  This is my new plan now, and I made a promise to myself that I will up my training, and rock this marathon, HARD!

I am feeling extremely cheery and optimistic, and I just LOVE life today!  I hope everyone else is too! 


  1. Ice cream is my FAVE!!!! I crave it ALL the TIME, and cannot even keep it in my house! Good for you for coming up with a plan for marathon training! I always do better when I write things down! You will rock that marathon!! Thanks for linking up with us!!

  2. Ice cream is one of my biggest weakness. I don't stock up ice cream in my house because out of sight, out of mind. Congratulations on your weight management efforts! It's hard to resist temptation when treats are everywhere you turn.


  3. Here from the link up! I don't even like having ice cream in the house because I'm pretty weak and pathetic when it calls to me from the freezer! Nice job resisting it!

  4. I love ice cream! Just gotta get some fibre and be on the move when you eat it lol.
