Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Why I Run & Weigh-In


5 mile run – 47:41

45 minutes of strength training – back & biceps

Today is National Running Day and I represented the great sport of running by doing a 5-miler in the rain.  It was my first run in over a week, and it felt great.  My legs were a little tight, but overall the run was amazing.  It felt awesome to run in the rain too. 

Following the trend of other blogger’s today, here is why I run.

I run to be healthy.

I run because it makes me happy.

I run because I like to eat.  A lot.

I run to be an inspiration

I run because it makes me feel like a mother fuckin’ rockstar!

In other news, I finally stepped on the scale this morning for the first time in a couple weeks.  The number I saw wasn’t great, but it was not as bad as I thought it would be.  Whew!

164.7 is the magical number this week.  If I don’t get into the 150s soon, I’m going to lose my bananas!

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Thanks for linking up!

    Run girl run! One of these days, I'll get up to 5 miles!

  2. Hey! I came across your page on my friend, Mean Ang's page. I look forward to reading about your marathon training journey. I ran my first half on May 5th but was pretty badly injured before and after (sciatica, herniated disc, bla bla) and haven't been able to run since. Well that's a lie because I ran a 5K last weekend. My body didn't like it but I wasn't in NEARLY as much pain as I was in after the half. After the half, I wanted to die and mind you I'm in shape so it was so frustrating to me. Anyway, glad I came across your page and I hope to run another half or even a full once day. Right now I'm cross training, doing yoga/pilates type stuff, and walking.

    1. Hi, Rachel! Thanks for stopping by, I can't wait to check out your blog too.
