Monday, December 2, 2013


I have come to the conclusion that I suck at blogging.  I post regularly for a couple weeks, then I fall of the face of the earth for a few more...oops.  I will make it a pre-New Year resolution to blog more regularly.  

Now, I'll catch you up on my life quickly.

I have not run in 2 weeks.  I have barely worked out.

After not weighing myself for most of November, I finally stepped on the scale this morning.  Not pretty...174.7.  I am going to go ahead and blame Thanksgiving.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, all of my celebrations were great!  Since both my parents, and Nick's parents, are divorced, we had 4 different family events to attend.  Each one was great, and I am SO thankful for both of our families.

Another note on T-Day.  I had the below tights on with a jean skirt and sweater, all set to head to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving lunch, when Nick informed me that I looked like a hooker wearing fish nets.

 Actually, this is how the convo went down:
N: Why the hell do you own tights like that.
A: Why?! What's wrong with them?
N:  Are you being serious right now?
A:  Yes.  I don't understand what you mean.  These tights are cute.
N:  "laughing" Yeah, right.
A:  What?!  Do they look like fishnets.
N:  How do I put this look like hooker.

Men!  He unfortunately made me feel self-conscious that other people would make fun of me, damn brothers, that I ended up swapping them for solid magenta tights instead.

Nick and I put up our X-mas tree and decorations this weekend.  They look fabulous, and I surprisingly have not taken any pictures yet. 

I have no idea where I am with my 150 in 15 mileage because I haven't kept track lately.  Therefore, I am just going to start adding from where I left off on my last post. 

I went wedding dress & bridesmaid dress shopping with my future sister-in-law yesterday.  She found her dress, and looks sooooooooo beautiful.  Totes teared up, which then made Jen tear up, which made our consultant tear up...I really want to post a picture, but I'm not going to.  My brother doesn't know about my blog, but you just never know, he may stumble across the picture if I put it out there is cyber-space.

These are the bridesmaid dresses.  The maid of honor will wear the red one, and myself and the other girls will wear brown.  It is a country themed wedding so we will be rocking cowboy boots.  The dresses are so cute, comfortable, and fit so well they will hardly need alternations.  Score!

I've chiseled away a few more items from my 101 in 1001 list:

#5 - Meet with a TIAA-CREF financial adviser about my retirement fund.
I met with an adviser a couple weeks ago just to get more information about my account.  Through my job, I have been putting money away for almost 3 years already, but I never really understood where that money was going, or what it was doing.  The adviser explained everything to me, and I found out I am currently on track to retire at age 63.  Not too shabby, but I wold like to retire younger.  That just means I need to up the amount flowing into my account.  Easy peasy.

#47 - Make X-mas cookies with Nick's mom & grandma.  
Cindy and Vera make some bad-ass X-mas cookies.  They are frosted sugar cookies that are delicious, and look like professionals frosted them.  For the first time, I helped out this year.  Since I actually helped out, I got a share of the entire batch that was made instead of a portion of Cindy's.  Whoever helps make them, splits the entire batch, and then can distribute their portion to whomever they want.  There were 5 of us baking and frosting for 8 hours, and we ended with just over 700 cookies!!!  This means Nick & I took home around 150!  Luckily we have a bunch of events coming up that we can take them to so I am not tempted to eat them all!
Just a tiny sample of what we made.
  #57 - Write a letter to myself to read in 1001 days.
I cried like a baby while writing this...  It will be very interesting to read it again in a few years.

#91 - Buy a king sized bed.
Our X-mas present from Nick's mom is a king sized bed.  The 3 of us went shopping on Saturday to pick one out.  After about an hour and a half of laying on, and bouncing around on, Nick and I finally chose one.  It is already being delivered to our house this Friday, and I cannot wait!

That makes 6 total completed items on my list so I transferred $60 from my checking account into my savings this morning.  (See #4).

Alrighty, I think you're all caught up.  Hopefully I will get my lazy ass to the gym tonight so I can actually start blogging about fitness again...

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