Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I have decided to change things up around this little old blog.

When I first started blogging, back in 2012, I had some big running goals that I thought I would accomplish within the next year.  

Fast forward 3 years, and I still have not run a marathon, I still have not gotten a sub 2:00 half time, and I still have never run a 5k. 

I did sign up for a marathon, but never actually trained and therefore never ran it.  

Four half marathons have come and gone, but the time is still over 2:00.

How am I supposed to get a sub 30:00 5k time, if I never actually run a 5k?

So having the blog title of Running My Way to a Full just doesn't feel right any more.  I still have intentions of running a full marathon, I just have no idea when that will happen.

This year, I kept having feelings of guilt when I would blog.  I felt like I wasn't living up to my blog name.  I started blogging because I like writing, and I liked the connections I made from reading other people's blogs.  With the guilt, I didn't feel like I could keep those connections because I felt like a fake. 

I'm hoping a blog face lift and some goal evaluations will bring back the joy of blogging.

With that, welcome to the new Wooden Spoon Running!  It's still a work in progress, aka I really have no idea how to use Blogger effectively, so I'll be making more changes/updates over the next few weeks.

Why Wooden Spoon?  My maiden name means wooden spoon in German, and it's been a nickname since elementary school :)

What has this Wooden Spoon been up to lately?

Still running, just low mileage.  I need to build a better mileage base before I jump into anymore "training" plans. 

I've been getting up at 5am to get my runs in!  This way, I have no excuses (I need to make dinner, it's too hot this afternoon, I'm tired, I have to mow the law, etc) for skipping them later in the day.

Trying to calm my David's Tea addiction so I don't go broke.  So. Many. Flavors! I want them all!!

A little hard to see, but I currently have 23 flavors of tea on my wish list...23!

I am still working on these weight goals and rewards.

180 - Running Shoes

175 - Hydration Vest

170 - Subscription to a running magazine

165 - Pedicure

160 - New sports bras

155 - New workout clothes

152 - Wardrobe shopping spree

 I'm FINALLY out of the 80's, and wearing my new running shoes!! Booyah!

Nick and I built a pergola and fence in our back yard.  Well, Nick and my stepdad did most of it, I just cut a few boards... They did such a great job, I love it!

I work at a college, and one of our employee benefits is free classes.  I'm taking advantage this semester, and I'm taking a nutrition course.

Having conversations with Nick about starting our family and making babies :)  Not happening for about another year, but it never hurts to plan early!

Just loving life in general!

I look forward to reconnecting, and getting back into the groove of blogging regularly.

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