Wednesday, February 18, 2015


It has been a couple weeks since I did a weigh-in Wednesday post.

I have actually been avoiding the scale because I did not want to see a number I did not like, and get discouraged.  That tends to happen to me quite frequently.

The past week, I have been doing so well with working out and eating, that I was actually excited about weighing myself this morning.  I thought for sure I would be out of the 80's.  My last weigh-in on 1/28 was 182...

Unfortunately, my weigh-in did not go as well as I thought it was going to...

Wah, wah, wah. Up a tiny bit.

That is ok though.  I am NOT going to be discouraged.  I have created a workout schedule for myself that I have been able to maintain, and as long as I keep following it, I am going to see great results.

Speaking of my workout schedule, I have already changed up my cardio a bit this week.  

As I mentioned in my last post, it has been horribly cold in Wisconsin so I have had no desire to run outside. 

Today, the high is 5 degrees with -5 to -20 wind chill temps. UGH!

I have 2 of my runs scheduled for the weekend, which I wan to run outside, but that is probably not going to happen.  Instead, I did those runs on Monday and Tuesday at the campus gym on a treadmill, and I just need to finish the last one tomorrow, as scheduled.  

I am on week 2 of Couch-to-5k so I have been doing a 5 minute brisk walk warm-up, then I run for 90 seconds and walk for 120 seconds until I reach 20 minutes, then I do a 5 minute cool-down walk.  

Today, I have a rest day in the cardio department, and then on the weekend I will do the Fitness @ Home and Cardio Blast workouts rather than running. 

I will end with something cute. 

Monday night, when I was doing my strength routine, and attempting to do Supermans on the floor, Skittles decided to it was time to snuggle.  She laid right under my neck so each time I was at a rest, we really were snuggling neck to neck.  Silly puppy :)


  1. Your dog is adorable. That's the cutest thing ever!

    Don't give up just because the scale is being a meanie. Scales are stupid. Glad you are still going!

  2. I hate the stupid scale! Skittles makes everything better (even a crummy weigh in!) What a sweet pup!

  3. I"m with you on not running outside in those temps. If you have the gear, maybe it would be alright. I have run outside when its been in the 20's and its not fun. Are you training for a whole marathon or half marathon? I love the puppy photo! If you'd like to say hi (I'm a runner too!), please email me at Thanks and keep up the hard work. You'll begin to lose soon.
