Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I'm baaaaaaaack

Why, hello!
It's been a hot second since I last posted.  
Life has been a little crazy because this just happened...

This past Saturday, June 6th, I married the love of my life.  The day was absolutely perfect, and I wouldn't change a single thing about it!

Now that the chaos of prepping for a wedding is over, I am ready to get back on track with my health journey.  It's really no fun starting over, but then again, everything needs to start somewhere.

I didn't want to stress about weighing a certain number for my wedding day so I've avoided the scale for about 2 months.  I was pleasantly surprised to see this number when I stepped on this morning.

I thought for sure it would be a much higher number!

To get back into the swing of things, I have come up with a plan, goals, and rewards system.

The Plan

Make my weekly schedules to follow. 
Since I weigh-in on Wednesday, my schedules are going to be formatted as Wednesday-Tuesday.

I will be doing 21-Day Fix videos for strength training, and extra cardio.  
Monday, I will officially start training for my first full marathon!  
The marathon that I would like to run is October 10 of this year.  I am going to work my way through a few weeks of a training plan before I officially sign up.  That way, I can judge if I have enough time to train properly.  If I don't think I will be ready by October, I'll look for a November marathon, or one that takes place in Spring (Wisconsin winter running = awful!).

The Goals

Run my first full marathon this fall, hopefully on October 10.

Reach goal weight of 152 (random, I know) by the end of 2015.

These two are overall macro goals.  I will also set micro weekly goals.  So this week:

1. Complete all planned workouts
2. Log everything into MFP
3.  Stay within calories goals at least 5/7 days.

The Rewards

180 - Hiking boots
175 - Sandals
170 - Running shoes
165 - Pedicure
160 - New workout clothes
155 - Massage
152 -  Shopping spree

Nick and I will be honeymooning in Colorado, and we leave on July 1st.  I would really love to see 180 by then so I can buy a pair of nice hiking boots, instead of wearing tennis shoes while we trek through the mountains.

My final reward of a shopping spree is much needed!  My closet really needs a makeover.  I am almost 28 years old, but I rarely dress like a professional 28 year old.  I feel like many people do not take me seriously at my job because of the way I dress, most days... Having this as my end goal gives me time to save up so I can make that grown-up wardrobe a reality!

There you have it!  Fingers crossed for success this time around!!

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Congratulations! I hope you have a great honeymoon. You look great! How tall are you? I recommend Ann Taylor LOFT for work clothes. They often have flash sales 60% off certain items for 24 hours. They also have 50% off everything quite a bit!

  2. Congratulations!!!

  3. Congratulations on the wedding! Wishing you much love and happiness! Great plan!

  4. Why the heck are you here and not on your honeymoon? LOL Congrats! I don't want to buy grown up clothes but that's a great reward for you!

    1. Ha! We leave for our honeymoon on July 1st, only 3 weeks away!
