Monday, July 8, 2013


I didn't want my post to be too long today, so I decided to write a separate one for my goals.

Operation Skinny Jeans

After the busyness, boozing, and fun of last week, it is not too difficult to admit that I did not do too well on the goals I set.

Have a green smoothie everyday.

I did awesome with this one.  The only day I did not have a green smoothie was Thursday, the 4th.  Nick and I had stayed over night at a friend's house, and I did not want to have to take all the ingredients with me. Then we ended up being in Milwaukee all day, and did not get home until after 9, so it just didn't happen.

Start and finish Week 1 of LiveFit.

Fail. I didn't even start.

Don't go too crazy with all the parties/outings.

I would not stay that I went too crazy, but there was a lot of drinking.  I mean, I had alcohol 6 our of the 7 days last week.  I did not get drunk all 6 of those days, but I did still consume some alcohol.  Not really a good thing, but I sure did have fun!

I've been doing well with my running though, and I am gaining back confidence in my ability.  I cannot believe the full marathon is only 3 months away!  Eek!

Anywho, goals for this week.

Blog everyday.

I have gotten into the habit of posting on Monday, then getting too caught up in the week, and not saying anything for the rest of the week.  Plus, next week, I will be on vacation, and I will not have a computer.  I have not tried blogging from my phone, but if it works, I might post a few pictures, otherwise, I'll be pretty silent next week. 

Go to the gym at least 4 times.

My gym membership is wasting away without me using it, and I hate the waste of money.  Now that it's nice and warm outside, it's difficult to get myself to workout inside.  If I do not use the membership though, it's a huge waste of money.  

Buy a new swimsuit.

I have not gotten a new swimsuit the last 2 years.  The ones I have are faded, and don't fit very well any more since I have lost some weight.  I have put off buying a new one long enough.  

Happy Monday everyone!  Good luck with your goals! 


  1. Those are great goals this week! The gym will help you mix up your workout, which might be more fun than you think...once you get in there :) And while swimsuit shopping can be a dreaded task, think of how much better you'll feel flaunting a new (and well-fitting) suit! Great goals and good luck!

  2. I know what you mean about wanting to workout outside but sometimes when it's unbearably hot out, it's nice to go to an air conditioned gym instead. :) Good luck with your goals this week!

  3. I love smoothies. I have at least every single day!!

    Good luck on your goals this week.
