Monday, July 1, 2013

It's My Birthday!

First things first: 


I’m the big 2-6 this year, which I can’t believe.  I don’t feel that old, not that 26 is old.  Even though I am a homeowner, have a car payment, have a college degree, and my own health insurance and retirement savings, I still feel like a lost 18 year old at times.  It is hard to think that within the next couple years, Nick and I will probably be married and having babies.  That is still a little scary to think about at the moment, since I feel like it's difficult to take care of myself and 2 furbabies at times, but each day I do become more and more excited to be a wife and a mother.

Anywho….enough sappy goo about growing up.

Operation Skinny Jeans

Goal time, baby.

Have a green smoothie every day.

Some days, I get a little carb crazy and do not take in enough fruits and veggies.  Having a green smoothie each day will easily help me get in some EXTRA f&vs for the day.  This morning I had a mango banana green smoothie from a recipe I found on Katherine’s blog.  She’s a pretty cool chick, check her out!  I did add some greek yogurt for more protein.  I thought it was phenomenal, but if you prefer a sweeter taste, you should use sweetened almond milk, or add honey or dates.  

1 C unsweetened almond milk
2 Handfuls of spinach
1 banana
1 C frozen mango
1/4 C 2% plain greek yogurt 

Throw everything in a blender and blend it up. 

2.  Start Jamie Eason's LiveFit program, AGAIN, and actually finish out the week.  And then, finish out the entire 12 weeks!  As they say, third time is a charm!

3.  Don't go too crazy this week... This weekend, I have a friend's birthday party on Friday, and my own birthday party/cookout on Saturday.  Oh, and there is the 4th of July and a baby shower on Thursday.  And, I don't work Thursday OR Friday.  AND, Nick is taking me out for sushi tonight for my birthday, then we are going to the Nitty Gritty so I can get my free birthday mug and beer...  I need to work hard to not eat too much, nor drink too much.  It's going to be tough because it's going to be an AWESOMELY EPIC WEEK!!!!

Happy 4th of July week, my loveies!    


  1. Happy Birthday! I'm also doing green smoothies for breakfast :)

  2. Happy b-day! I never take a day off!!
