Thursday, January 9, 2014

Super Sore NSV

It has been a while since I've linked up with KTJ to share a Non-Scale Victory.


Maybe that's because over the past few weeks/months/eons, I haven't had any victories...on the scale, or off.  Now that I am committed to making 2014 the year I make my fitness dreams a reality, I am hoping I'll have tons of victories to share.

On to this weeks victories.

Yesterday was Nick's birthday.  I was an awful girlfriend, and didn't make him a cake (I am taking him out for an AWESOME weekend though!) so I decided to buy one on the way home from work last night.  Enter this temptress...

Heaven in a box!

This cake is intended to have 8 servings with a whopping 240 calories per serving.  It is a fairly small cake, and once I had the 8 pieces cut, my first thought was, "These pieces are tiny!  I'm so having two."  As I savored my first piece though, I thought about my Diet Bet, and what I said yesterday.  I am currently a little bit ahead of the game, but is having a second serving of cake really worth losing that advantage?

No.  No, it's not.

I finished my piece.  Got up from the table, rinsed off my plate, and immediately put the cake away so I wouldn't stare at it and be tempted.  Sweets are one of my biggest weakness so I am extremely proud that I was able to just walk away.

Instead of my usual routine of blowing off workouts, I made a goal this week to get 30 minutes of activity in each day, and so far I am 100% on track.  That being said, I sooooo did not want to do anything last night.  My legs and arms were still sore from the jumping jacks I did the night before, and work had me drained.

 As I was laying on the floor, whining to Nick that I didn't want to work out, running through all of the "good" excuses as to why I could skip working out, I started feeling extremely guilty.  I started thinking about how badly I want to feel confident in my bathing suit this summer, and not worry about how my rolls look, or sucking in my stomach.  I started thinking about all the cute clothes I have, that I never wear because they're a bit too snug.  I started thinking about how I am supposed to be in the prime of my life, but instead I'm tired and sluggish all the time.  All these thoughts made me pick myself up off the floor, and get my sweat on.

This is the workout I did last night, and it kicked my ass!

I thought I was sore from the jumping jacks...  My entire body hurts today from doing this 3 times.  When I read though it, I was all like, "Oh yeah, I can totally do this.  Super easy."  Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.  It was tough!  My 3rd time was a struggle, and I couldn't wait to finish, but I felt GREAT afterwards.

It took me just over 20 minutes to finish the 3 circuits, so I played Just Dance for 10 minutes to finish out my 30 minutes of activity. 


  1. You've had a lot of NSVs this week! Looks like you are ready for a great 2014!

    Those little cakes look good! Good for you for not going for the second. I try to ask myself it is worth it too when I'm facing temptations, it is tough though!

  2. nice job walking away! I agree sweets are my down fall, I can't do things with tiny servings like that I always over do!
