Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What I Ate & WIW

Two link ups today!

Numero uno

Pretty Strong Medicine

I just weighed in on Monday to see the result of the 7 Day Slim Down challenge, but I want to get back into the habit of stepping on the scale on my normal weigh-in day: Wednesday.

This morning, to my delight, I am down another 1.4lbs!


I have very high hopes to be in the 60's next week.

Numero dos

I decided to join this link up for the first time to give you a glance of what I have been eating lately. As you read above, I mentioned a 7 Day Slim Down challenge. I realized that I haven't really said anything about what I have been eating, so some of you may think I did some fad diet, or some weird drastic challenge, or have only been eating grapefruit. That is actually as far from the truth as it can be!  

I have been eating A LOT, but it is a lot of really good-for-you stuff.  The link-up icon is perfect because of the Love Your Veggies Month tie-in.  That's what I have been eating the most of, veggies.  Lots and lots of veggies.  And, I have been eating 5 times a day.  For example, this is what I have eaten/will be eating today.

Breakfast - 6am
6oz lukewarm water with half squeezed lemon juice & pinch of sea salt

1/4 C steel cut oats prepared with 1/2 C water
1t brown sugar
1/4 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk

Egg White Scrambler
6 diced grape tomatoes
2 large diced mushrooms
1 large handful of spinach
3 egg whites
all sauteed in 1/2 T extra virgin olive oil

1 C coffee with 1/2 T homemade flavored creamer

Snack #1 - 10am
1 T Justin's Vanilla almond butter
2 celery stalks

Lunch - 12:30pm
1 serving of turkey stew leftover from dinner last night
(Includes lean ground turkey, carrots, mushrooms, celery, stewed tomatoes, sweet potatoes, onion, parsley, garlic powder, and basil.)

Snack #2 - 3pm
1 apple
1 low-fat string cheese stick

Dinner - 6pm
Stove Top Chicken
4oz chicken sauteed with
carrots, zucchini, mushrooms, celery, onion, and garlic powder
served over quinoa

There you have it.  Lots of veggies and protein to keep me full.  The times I have listed are not exact.  I don't drop what I am doing to go eat, I just try to space my eating to around those times.

Breakfast is usually nearly the same with a few change-ups.  Sometimes it is a veggie & quinoa pilaf with 1 whole over easy egg on top.  Or on the days I do not eat the oatmeal, I will add 2oz of lean turkey to the scrambler. 

Most days, I actually have an apple and a big salad for lunch with 3-4oz diced chicken breast, spinach, cucumber, mushrooms, and tomato, and homemade Dijon dressing. 

My other go-to snacks have been Greek yogurt, raw zucchini & hummus, carrots & 2 oz nitrate free deli meat. 

Other dinner options have included salmon or turkey and lots of veggies.

As for beverages, it has mostly just been water.  I also have my coffee every morning, but switched to making my own creamer instead of buying from the store.  Herbal teas have also been helpful in conquering sweets cravings.  Oh, and I've been treating myself to some wine this week, but only 6oz or less per serving :)

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Have a happy hump day!


  1. Awesome loss! Keep up the great work!

  2. your menu looks yummy and you definitely are getting lots of healthy things in your meal plan. I looove greek yogurt too, I'll add in a spoonful of Smuckers Simply Fruit . I actually made hummus using zucchini instead of chickpeas this week. It tastes almost identical. I'll have the recipe up on my blog next week.

  3. Wow your menu is so appetizing/filling and healthy! Good luck with being in the 60's you can do this!
