Monday, March 25, 2013

I Took the Plunge!


2 mile run on treadmill – 21:??

10 minutes level 5 intervals on elliptical

30 minutes Wii Just Dance

I have exciting news!  I took the plunge, and registered for my first full marathon!  I have been eyeing up the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon for months.  Today, I was wondering what has kept me from registering when running a full marathon is one of my goals.  The only reason I could come up with for not registering earlier is fear of failure.  I think most people battle fear of failure in their lives, some on a daily basis.  I can’t reasonably fear failure if I don’t even try in the first place.  What’s the worst that could happen? I’m completely unprepared, and end up not finishing the race?  Yes, that would be extremely disappointing, but I already know I’ll be prepared.  I would not have even considered running a marathon if it was something I did not think I could accomplish. 

I know I can accomplish this feat, and I will.

*Be warned, some TMI ahead.* As for working out tonight, it didn’t go so hot.  I was supposed to run 5 miles tonight, but tummy issues prevented me from doing that.  After the first mile, I had some terrifying rumbling and churning going on.  I tried to tough it out, but JUST after I hit the 2 mile mark, I HAD to stop.  I made my way to the gym bathroom, but of course, it was being cleaned.  Since I was off the treadmill, and my insides weren’t being jumbled as much, I actually felt better.  Waiting for the bathroom, or just hoping I was over the tummy issue, I hopped on the elliptical to see how low impact would affect my digestive system.  As you can see by my measly time, it didn’t quite work.  I was so preoccupied by my innards, that I’m not even sure what my running time was.  I just know it was slow, and painful.

Rather than waiting around to use the gym bathroom, and my horrendously irrational fear of pooping in public bathrooms, I said, “fuck it,” and went home.

Once I got home and relieved myself, I felt guilty for not getting in a very good workout.  Since Just Dance gets me super sweaty, and gets my heart pumpin’, I danced like there’s going to be no tomorrow to round out my workout for the day.

I have 2 miles on my schedule for Friday so I’m just going to rearrange my plan for the week, count that workout as completed, and do the 5 on another day.  Training is not going to always go perfectly each day so I just have to learn to be flexible, and figure out how to compromise.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by!

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