Friday, March 15, 2013

Triple Threat

4 mile run on treadmill – 41:18
30 minute 3.5 MPH walk on treadmill
2 mile run on treadmill – 20:13
This past week was hellish at work, so I ended up skipping most of my workouts for the week.  The last time I worked out was on Tuesday, when I got home early from our snow day at work.  Today, I FINALLY got my butt back to the gym.
Work was hellish because a co-worker, whose last day was supposed to be this upcoming Friday, decided after the snow day that she just wasn’t going to come in anymore.  As I have mentioned before, I work at a college bookstore.  I am the textbook manager, so I am in charge of getting textbooks orders from all the instructors, supplying that information to students, and getting those books ordered for the appropriate semester.  Besides me, there is a head manager, a retail manager, and a handful of student workers.  The retail manager was the one who decided to cut her last two weeks short.  Our manager had major surgery 3 weeks ago, and is not yet able to work full time.  Since the manager can only work certain hours, I had been in charge of both opening and closing the store.  Wednesday through Friday, I ended up working 7:15-5:45 each day.  Those three days were some of the most exhausting I’ve encountered in some time!  All textbook adoptions for next fall are due in a week, so I am swamped with books orders so my stress levels have been through the roof.  I used the stress as an excuse to not work out.  In reality, it would have been better for me to work out, and release that stress with some good sweat sessions.
Since I skipped so many workouts, I attempted to make some back up today.  I kicked it into high gear, and knocked out three of the four I missed.  I was scheduled to run 4 miles today, so I made that my priority and first focus.  Next, I walked briskly at a 2% incline for 30 minutes which covered my missed cross training day from yesterday.  Wednesday I was supposed to run 2 miles, and since I still had energy left, I decided I could handle that today too.  Now, the only training I’ve missed was 3 miles I was supposed to run on Friday.
I now feel a lot better about my training.  Since my training plan is only 12 weeks long, and the half marathon is in exactly 12 weeks, well 11 as of tomorrow, it’s critical that I get ALL of my workouts in.  I still feel guilty that I let stress keep me away from the gym when I knew it was a lame excuse, but at least I made up for it.
After eating really well all day, and burning almost 900 calories at the gym, I’m off to eat a well deserved Klondike bar!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

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