Monday, March 17, 2014

Training Fail

I did AWFUL on my goals last week.  Really, really awful.  Let's take a quick look back at what those goals were.

Complete all of my scheduled runs and workouts for the week.  Here is what my week looks like:

M:  Cross-Training
T: 2mi run with hill repeats
W: 3mi run & strength
R: Rest (but I will probably at least walk the dogs, and stretch, a lot.)
F: 2.5 mi pace run
S: 5mi run
S: Stretching & Strength

As you can see, I only complete 3 of my 7 workouts.  I guess I technically completed Thursday too since I didn't do a damn thing...  The training plan that I am following builds up long run mileage really quickly.  I skipped my long run this weekend, and next weekend's is already up to 6 miles...not good.

Track everything I eat.  You can follow me on MFP, if you'd like.

Uhhhh, I think I tracked for 1.5 days... Maybe a little more, maybe a little less?  I ate like shit all week, which made me really not want to track because I didn't want to know the reality of how bad it really was.

Take measurements and photos.

I took care of this one, so I guess I didn't completely fail.

On a positive note, my pace run went super, totally, baller-ly, fabulously awesome!  Since my first run of the year had 10:13 average pace, I was aiming for my pace run to be 10:00, and ended up being even faster than that!  I even had negative splits, heck yeah!

My only goal this week is going to be completing ALLLLLLL of my workouts this week.  ALL of them!

M - Cross Train
T - 3 miles & Strength
W - 5 miles (this is an added run to make up for missing my long run)
R - 4 miles pace & Strength
S - 6 miles
S - Stretch & Strength

Fitnasty for Life


  1. Don't get mad, but I think you are doing too much too soon. Yes, you were able to run much faster and much longer before. But your body has to ease into your training. Go out for a few easy runs, don't focus on going by the schedule. I know your motivation will come back!

  2. You are ambitious! I tend to think of long runs a bit like sleep, you can't really "make them up". The best I do if I miss a long run is just try to re-evaluate my training plan to make sure i'm keeping each week to about 10% increase in distance over the previous (or over an average of the previous few) to avoid injury. Good luck, don't let your ambition lead to over-training.
    PS. Thanks for the bloglovin' follow; I look forward to following your journey!

  3. You are so positive. Being positive is a nice way to live. Good luck with your next fitness goal.

  4. Nice job on your running times! Sometimes an unplanned running/exercise "vacation" can make all the difference, I get you rock next week!


  5. Awesome job with the pace!! I'm sorry for being so belated in checking in on your goals, but I hope you managed to have a good week-- including that 6-miler. Keep it up, lady! :)
