Thursday, October 17, 2013

Candy Corn M&M NSV

Candy Corn M&Ms.  Does anyone else love them as much as I do?!?!  Most people I know, hate them, with a passion.  Me on the other hand, I cannot get enough of them.  If I buy a bag, it is usually gone within 2 days.  Therefore, I try not to buy them since they're not to good for a healthy diet.

You're probably wondering why I'm blabbing on about Candy Corn M&Ms.  I am doing so because they play a part in my NSV for this week.  My step dad bought me a bag on Saturday, and instead of eating the entire thing in one sitting, I have actually been controlling my portions!

One serving is 23 M&Ms and costs me 220 calories.  I have been a very good girl though, and have only been eating 12 at a time which runs about 115 calories.  After I had my portion last night, I stared at the bag for a while, wanting more.  Instead, I was strong, folded the bag up, and put them back in the cupboard.  Because of my self-control, I am going on day 6 of having the same bag which is still about 1/3 full.

Anyone that knows me, knows this is a huge accomplishment.  I have a ginormous sweet tooth that usually gets the best of me.  Nick & I have not even bought Halloween candy yet because I'll probably eat it all, and Nick doesn't feel like taking the time to hide it from me.  When we buy stuff for s'mores, Nick hides the chocolate bars until we actually have a fire to make proper s'mores.  It's hysterical, and a little bit sad, that I am 26 years old, and I need to have candy hid from me.

I hope everyone else is rocking some great NSVs!  



Wed Night: 2.30 Mile walk - 212
Wed Night: 30 mins of dancing - 187

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