Friday, May 30, 2014

21 Day Fix "Before" Photos

Miss Autumn Calabrese is going to be the death of me!

And yet, I still love her.

Here workout videos that came with the 21 Day Fix package are amazing.  Last night, I did Lower Fix, a lower body strength training video.  Usually, I don't get too sweaty doing strength moves, but last night I was drenched!  Looking at me, you would have thought I did a high intensity cardio workout.

The picture doesn't really do it justice, but my entire face was dripping sweat.  I had so much chest/boob sweat that when I was bending down to stretch, it was flowing up my neck and chin.  

Gross, but so awesome at the same time!

Last night, I finally took "before" photos.  I had Nick help me, and I felt a bit embarrassed.  Let's be real, he sees me naked all the time, but having him behind a camera was awkward.  Oh well.  Imma have a rockin' bod soon enough!

Excuse the fact that Nick kind of sucks at taking pictures, and they are a bit blurry, and the doofy look on my face.

The number one thing I dislike about my body is my back fat.  Those rolls on each side right under my sports bra.  In high school, I loved my back.  It used to be my favorite feature.  It was muscular, sleek, strong looking, and I didn't have those rolls.  I can't wait to get that back...well, back!!

Have a happy and healthy weekend!


  1. I hate my back fat too :( Don't even know how it happened, ugh!
    Good luck with the 21 day fix! Can't wait to see your results. My friend is starting on Monday too.

  2. Ya gotta start somewhere! Can't wait to see your "afters!"
