Thursday, June 5, 2014

Non-Scale Victories

Two blog posts in one day!

What can I say, I love my linkups!


This has truly been a great week, on and off the scale.  My earlier WIW post discusses the scale so check that one out if you want to read about some awesome numbers. 

As for Non-Scale Victories, I have a few to share.

I have started running again!  Taking it slowly and one day at a time, I will gradually build my mileage back up.  I will NOT sign up for any future half marathons until I can run at least 5 miles comfortably.  That being said, I am hoping to run a half in August or September :)

It is advising and registration time for incoming Freshmen.  AR days are four times a month from the end of May until the end of July.  The Bookstore always gives a little presentation about how to get the best deal on textbooks.  While my boss and I wait for our talk time, we wait by a table covered in donut holes, mini muffins, and coffee.  Previously, I would help myself to 2, or 3, or 6 donut holes.  On Tuesday, and this morning, I resisted and didn't have any!  I LOVE donuts.  I stared longingly at them all nestled in their little basket.  I could taste their soft sweet goodness in my mouth.  I was tempted.  But, I thought about how important my health goals are to me, and how eating a few donut holes is NOT important.   

Monday night, when Nick and I were eating dinner out on the patio, he looked at me for a second, and said, "You look really skinny."  This made me beyond happy because I have been working my ass off lately.  I'm not very good at taking compliments and usually brush them aside with a silly remark.  Usually, I would have answered back with something like, "Hmm, must be the lighting because I'm actually a fat ass."  Instead, I truly took it as a compliment, gave him a big ol' smile, and said thank you.  I'm glad my hard work is paying off!

Being at a work retreat all day yesterday, I wasn't able to prepare all of my food myself.  I ended up indulging a bit much.  Trying to add everything to MFP felt exasperating, and I was just going to call the day a wash and not track.  To make myself feel better about some of poor choices throughout the day, I just wasn't going to pay attention to my calories. I was going into denial mode and was just going to pretend it didn't happen.  This also led me to not wanting to workout once I finally got home around 7.  I thought about how hard I've worked the past weeks, and basically told myself it was ok to skip a day and not workout or track.  
I was all settled on the couch ready to just waste the night away watching tv.  But then I started thinking about all my hard work again.  I started thinking about how much progress I could potentially lose, and how one day of slacking could lead to two days, three days, a week, a month.  These thoughts ended up being the motivation I needed.  I got off the couch, took the dogs for a 2.18 mile walk, and completed my Upper Fix video when I got back.  I never regretted a minute of my activity, but I would have regretted every minute I sat on that couch, doing nothing.

What are YOUR non-scale victories? Link up with KTJ to share!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on running again! It's always great when others notice our hard work. Here's to many more wonderful compliments :)
