Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday

 Happy Weigh-In Wednesday!

Another disappointing weigh-in, but at least I lost a little!  Last week was 172.4 so I'm looking at a .2 loss. 

Even though the scale may not be moving too much, I am just feeling healthier.  Some clothes are fitting a bit better and I am seeing more definition and less rolls :)  I still hope to get out of the 170's by the end of June!  

Last night, I took my new running kicks out for 3 mile run.  The shoes felt amazing, but the heat and humidity, not so much...   81 with 70% humidity, ick.  I was an extremely sweaty betty and breathing heavy the entire time.

I felt like I was going at a snail's pace so I was pleasantly surprised by my time.  I thought for sure I was going to have 11:XX mile times.  

Tonight, 3 of my gals pals and I are having a girl's night and are going to a Mallard's baseball game.  The Mallard's are Madison's minor league team.  My friend, Heidi, whose wedding I will in in October, has lost 20 pounds since the last time (April) I saw her!  I CANNOT wait to see how fabulous she looks!  

Our area has been having some crazy storms the past two days...we actually just came out of tornado warning.  Hopefully the weather doesn't ruin our plans tonight!

I am also linking up with Fitness Blondie for the Hump Day Blog Hop so I can find some new awesome blogs to read!

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. Aww sorry the scale isn't behaving. Glad the new shoes worked great for you though! It's hot as hades here too and the humidity. Ugh.

  2. That is awesome! Not that the scale is moving slowly but that you're feeling healthier and clothes are fitting better... those are the most important things, not the silly number on a scale! You must be doing a good job to see that progress so be proud of yourself!

  3. Just because the scale didn't move much, doesn't mean that great things aren't happening. I wish I could run a mile under 11 minutes. I'm at more like 15!

  4. I think you are doing great! I am so impressed by all the different things you are doing to stay active. I think we all just have to keep reminding ourselves that the scales are only one small part of this. I know easier said than done :)

    1. Thank you! You're right though, the scale is just a number, but people tend to fixate on it so much. Being healthy is about so much more than that silly number!

  5. Clothes fitting better and seeing more definition is a total win! Yay! :)

  6. Feeling healthy and good is what it is all about! Great job with your run in the heat :) Have fun at your get-together.

  7. 0.2lb off is still a loss... Well done!
