Thursday, April 25, 2013

Non-Scale Victories Link-Up

Wednesday Workout:

4.77 mile run – 43:51

20 minute walk with dogs – 1.14 miles

Today, I’m linking up with Katie over at KTJ Weighing In to share my Non-Scale Victories.  I love the idea of congratulating yourself for achieving small things, or even huge things, during personal health journeys that don’t pertain to seeing a certain number on the scale.  So many people judge health on weight alone, but there is a plethora of other factors that affect a person’s health not only physically, but mentally as well.  These factors can play as important of a role as weight loss in one’s health. 

I have 3 NSVs this week.

Last year, my average mile pace was 10:00, give or take a few seconds.  The last few weeks, my average pace has been 9:00-9:15.  The first few times this pace average came up on MapMyRun, I thought I had mapped my route wrong, or entered my overall time wrong…I mean, shaving an entire minute off?!  In reality though, I’m just getting that much faster!!  I planned on starting to do speed work to increase my time, but I was going to wait until after my half marathon in May.  Apparently, my legs had other plans!  

One of my goals this week from the Operation Skinny Jeans link-up, is to not eat any candy.  Naturally, after making this goal, a textbook rep gave me a gift bag full of candy.  I immediately put the bag in a desk drawer so I wouldn't stare at it and be tempted.  I am proud to say, I still haven’t had a single piece!

This NSV doesn't have much to do with health, but I still count it as a victory.  After being very quiet and shy during my first month in the blogging world, I have finally started to put myself out there.  I have started joining link-ups and commented on other people’s blogs.  I love the feeling of connecting with other people and giving encouragement and support to help others reach their goals.  The blogging world offers a sense of belonging and camaraderie that I didn't know existed until very recently, and I am very happy to now be part of it.   


Remember peeps, celebrate your non-scale victories just as much as you do your on-scale weight loss victories!!


  1. Those are all great victories! That is an awesome time cut and I think its great that you haven't touched the candy! I have been doing better about that but still have a piece here and there. And good for you for getting yourself out there in the blogging world more. I am really new to blogging and I am loving doing the same :)

  2. Great job on your runs - I hope someday I can run a 10min/mi! AND, yay for you for getting out here to linkup with us! I love the support I get from my blogging friends and I hope I can support you in your journey, too!

  3. Nice job getting your pace to 9 minutes! I just finished running my first half marathon after starting running in the fall. My next goal is to try to get faster. Keep up the good work!

  4. Great NSVs! Congrats on avoiding candy and on your running, so awesome! Also, I think it is great that you included putting yourself out there. I was so hesitant in the beginning as to whether I should put myself out there and share my journey and I'm so happy I have because there is so much support and a great community!
