Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pretending Monday Didn't Happen


5.19 Mile Run – 50:01

35 Minute Walk with Dogs – 1.89 miles

This post is titled as is because I am seriously pretending Monday didn’t happen.  Every time I think about yesterday, I feel guilty and disappointed.  I set some super awesome goals yesterday, and then proceeded to fail each one of them before I went to sleep last night.  Instead of staying at 1500 or less calories, I binged and eventually stopped tracking what I ate so I really have no idea how much I ate yesterday.  I’m guessing in the 2500-3000 range though.  I also only drank 6 glasses of water.  And, I skipped my workout, which means I didn’t do strength training.  All I had to do yesterday was stretch a lot and strength train, but I did neither. 

The only excuse I can come up with for my erratic behavior yesterday is that my period is here a week early…sorry if that’s TMI for some…  I’m on the Pill and have NEVER had an irregular period before.  Seriously, never.  Suddenly, I have it an entire week early even though I’m on birth control, the same birth control I have been on consistently since I was 18.  I’m assuming my cycle is just messed up because I’ve been working out harder than I ever have before.  If it’s goofy again next month, I’ll check in with my doc. 
Since Aunt Flow is here so are all her annoying side effects.  I’m crazy moody, just want to eat and eat and eat, and I’m exhausted.  After binging, being lazy, and not drinking enough water, I slept on the couch from 6:30-9:30, woke up to brush my teeth and take out my contacts, and was in bed for real by 10, and then didn’t wake up until 6:15.  I’m usually up at 5:15 so I slept in extra long this morning.  That’s right, I slept over 11 hours yesterday.

Today, I felt that same as yesterday, but I didn’t want to have another day of guilt and disappointment so I actively made today better.  I decided to quit worrying about messing up my goals for a day, and just start fresh, therefore, I’m pretending yesterday just didn’t happen.  Feeling sorry for myself isn’t going to get me anywhere. 

Any time I felt like binging today, I would drink a bunch of water, or find a task at work that would take a lot of focus or movement so I would take my mind off food.  I also wanted to skip my run tonight, but talked myself out of that silly idea, and instead had a fabulous run.  My right calve is super sore again so my pace was a little slower, but I got nice and sweaty and felt like I worked really hard. 

Now that I have had a day of kicking ass in the goal department, I know the rest of the week is going to be stellar!  Nick has his class tonight which means I still have the house to myself for another hour so I’m going to make up my stretching from yesterday, and watch some trashy tv.

I hope everyone else is rocking out and accomplishing their goals boss style!

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